Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Homework for Thursday, December 18

Complete the following 2 problems to turn in tomorrow.

1.)  Andres, Billy, Carmen, and Dionna are getting 3 pizzas for $25.  They are going to evenly pay for it.  How much was each pizza and how much did each person pay?  (What did you have to find?)

2.) Andres, Billy, Carmen, and Dionna paid $25 for 3 pizzas.  Tax on the pizza was 10 percent and it's $5 for delivery tip. How much was the total for the pizza after tax and tip? (do not tax the tip)  How much did each student have to pay AFTER tax and tip?

Winter Break packets will be given some time tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

No Homework Tuesday, December 17

There is no homework for today except for Rooms 101 and 108.  You must have your "Bike Ride" and "Black/White" problems done for tomorrow. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Homework for Monday, December 16

Here is your homework for today. My apologies for the confusion on Friday but the blog didn't update when I first fixed the mistakes.

These papers were handed out in class. You can use them for reference if you lost them. 

Use the information from the tables to graph the 4 snails on the graph paper. Answer the following questions 

1). At 30 minutes which snail was in the lead? About how far apart was A from D, and C from B at 30 minutes?

2). How does the line graph help you better understand the information from the tables?

3).What helped you make sure that your graph fit the data from your tables?

4.) Which snail barely moved in one hour?  How do you know this?

5.)  Which snails were the closest? Explain how the graph helped you.

6.)  At about 40 minutes, how far apart was A from D, A from C, A from B, B from C, and B from D?

Friday, December 13, 2013

Homework for Friday, December 13th

In class you received a copy of the graphing paper.  Use that to graph the following questions, we will review this on Monday.

1.) Jennifer is buying tickets for 6 flags.  Each ticket is on sale for $40.  She doesn't know how many people are going but wants to figure out how much she will spend.  Make a table showing the cost of 1 ticket up to 10 tickets.  Graph the results and draw the line.  For your y-axis, count by 10s.

2.) Jessica is going to buy Yu-Gi-Oh cards.  She pays $12 for 4 packs.  Find how much each pack costs.  Make a table showing the cost of 1 pack up to 8 packs.  Graph your results and draw the line.

3.)  Katy paid $12 for 3 chicken sandwiches and $20 for 5 sandwiches.  Create a table showing the cost of 1 chicken sandwich up to 12 chicken sandwiches.  Graph your results and draw the line. Label your x and y axes.

On Graph 3A, count your y-axis by 1s
On Graph 3B count your y-axis by 4s
Circle the Unit rate.
What is the difference between the graphs?  Why do they look different even though they display the same data?

4.)  Oscar bought some hot dog buns for his bbq.  He bought 4 packs and they came with 32 buns.  How many buns are in each pack?  Create a table showing how much it costs for one pack of hot dog buns up to 6 packs of hot dog buns.  Graph your results and circle the unit rate.

5.)  Andres  paid $1 for 4 pencils and $5 for 20 pencils.  Create a table showing the cost of 1 pencil  up to 12 pencils.  Graph your results and draw the line. Label your x and y axes.   

On Graph 5A, count your y-axis by 0.50s
On Graph 5B, count your y-axis by 1s
On Graph 5C, count your y-axis by 2s
Circle the Unit rate.
What is the difference between the graphs?  Why do they look different even though they display the same data? Explain which one would be the best graph to use for this problem. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Homework for Thursday, December 12

Use the graph paper from class to complete the following problems. You can use any of the 4 coordinate planes for your answers.

1.)  Angel bought 5 Big Macs for $10.  Alex bought 8 Big Macs for $16. 

What is the unit rate for the cost of Big Macs? Create a table showing how much it costs for 1 Big Mac all the way to 10 Bic Macs.  Then graph your information.

2.)  Julian wants to buy some used video games that cost the same price.  For 6 games it costs $180 and for 2 games it costs $60. 

What is the unit rate for the cost of used games? Create a table showing how much it costs for 1 game all the way to 10 games.  Then graph your information. Label your x and y axes. For your y-axis count by 20.

3.)  Jennifer is getting One Direction CDs for her friends for Christmas.  She pays $45 for 3 Cds and $75 for 5 CDs. What is the unit rate for the cost of the CDs? Create a table showing how much it costs for 1 CD all the way to 12 CDs.  Then graph your information. Label your x and y axes. For your y-axis count by 10.


4.) Esmeralda is buying mini bags of Takis.  She paid $3  for 6 bags and later bought 12 bags for $6. 
What is the unit rate for the cost of Takis? Create a table showing how much it costs for 1 Takis all the way to 10 Takis.  Then graph your information.

 Click below then print if you need grid paper.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Homework for Wednesday, December 11

1.) Oscar bought a box of nails for $3.  The box contains 250 nails.  How much is each nail?

2.) A large pizza costs $15.  It is cut into 8 slices.  How much is each slice?

3.) Lourdes wants to get wings for her family.  20 wings cost $12.50    50 wings cost $30.  She can't decide between buying 40 wings (2 packs of 20) or 50 wings.  Which set of wings will give her the best deal?

4.)  Papa Freddie's sells slices of pizza for $3.50.  A family size pizza can be cut into 6 big slices.  The family size pizza costs $24.  Is it better to buy the family size pizza or 6 individual slices?  Show how you found your answer.  

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Homework for Tuesday, December 10th

We are back to hosting homework on the blog.

Complete the following problems on loose-leaf for tomorrow.

Find the unit rate for each.  Keep the labels and units the same.

1.)  18 miles in 3 hours.
2.) 88 miles on 12 gallons
3.) 500 heartbeats in 4 minutes
4.)  13 books in 26 days

Explain which is better mathematically.
5.)  5 large pizzas for $25 at Little Caesar's or 3 pizzas for $20 at Domino's
6.)  2 Big Macs for $5 or 4 Whoppers for $8?
7.) $3.75 for 64 oz. of orange juice or $6.50 for 128 oz. of orange juice.

8.) Ashley bought some pencils at the store.  They were 8 for $1.  How much was each?

9.) There is a sale on Connie's Pizza.  If you buy 4 large pizzas you can get one free. Large pizzas at Connies cost $15.  How much was each pizza in the sale?


Angela was practicing her multiplication facts at home.  She was able to complete 200 multiplication problems in 3 minutes. How many multiplication problems did she complete each minute?  How many multiplication problems did she complete each second?

Friday, December 6, 2013

Homework for Friday, December 5

Greetings from Texas!! Your homework for this weekend should have been given to you by the substitute. I will see you Monday! Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

No homework Thursday, December 5

No homework for Thursday due to NWEA testing.  The rest of you will learn about Unit Rates tomorrow and everyone will have homework over the weekend.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

No Homework for Wednesday, December 4

No homework because of testing today.  We will continue with Unit Rates tomorrow and Friday.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Homework for Tuesday, December 3rd

Along with the sheet passed out today, complete the following for tomorrow.

1.)  5% of ___ is 35    2.)  4% of ___ is 60

3.)  20% of ___ is 24  4.) 25% of ____ is 80

5.)  15 is 3% of ___     6.)  8 is 5% of  ____

7.)  The Blackhawks have played 24 games.  They have lost 4.  What is their win-to-loss ratio?  If they win 60 games, how many losses will they have if they keep the same ratio?

8.) The Buffalo Sabres have played 24 games.  They have won 6 games.  What is their win-to-loss ratio?  If their ratio stays the same and they win 18 games, how many games will they lose by then?

Monday, December 2, 2013

Homework for Monday, December 2

Here is the homework for Monday.  Complete all of this on loose-leaf paper.

Percentages.  Use fact families to find the missing numbers.

1.)  5% of ___ is 25    2.)  2% of ___ is 80

3.)  10% of ___ is 32  4.) 30% of ____ is 81

5.)  6 is 3% of ___     6.)  12 is 5% of  ____

7.)  There 12 boys and 14 girls in class.  What is the ratio of boys to girls?  Write this in word form, fraction form, and colon form. Simplify.

8.)  Michigan has won 7 games but lost 5.  What is the ratio of wins to losses?  Write this in word form, fraction form, and colon form. Simplify.

9.) The Bulls have lost 8 out of their last 10 games.  What is their win-to-loss ratio for the last 10 games?  Write this in word form, fraction form, and colon form. Simplify.

10.)  Oklahoma City Thunder has played 15 games.  They have only lost 3.  Adrian says their win-to-loss ratio is 1:4.  How did he get this answer?  Is he correct? Explain.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Friday, November 22, 2013

Homework for Friday, November 22

Quiz will be Monday!  Enjoy your weekend.

1.)  There are 350 students at Evergreen.  About 30% of them will be traveling for the holiday break.  How many students will not be traveling?

2.) Jasmine ordered 20 chicken nuggets from McDonald's.  She ate 30% of the nuggets and Miguel ate the rest.  How many more nuggets did Miguel eat than Jasmine?

3.) Eric took a quiz in science.  He got 13 out of 15 correct.  What was his score?  Round it to the nearest percent.

Adding a Percent
4.)  Esmeralda went to buy a party bag of chips at Target.  The chips cost $7 and the tax is 5%.  How much were the chips after taxes?

5.) Oscar wants to buy a new tv.  It costs $400. The taxes in Chicago are 9% and the taxes in Milwaukee are 6%.  How much more will the tv cost in Chicago than in Milwaukee?

Challenge Question:

Gabriel has two coupons from Bed, Bath, and Beyond.  One coupon is for $5 OFF any item that is $15 or more.  The other coupon is for 20% OFF any item at any price.  How much will an item have to cost so that the $5 OFF coupon is BETTER than the 20% off coupon? When is the 20% off coupon a better deal? 

Explain how you came with your answer.

(Hint, think about if something costs $17, which is a better deal?)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

There will be a quiz tomorrow on percentages, including finding the percent OFF.

Complete the following problems to help you prepare.

1.)  There are 105 sixth grade students at Evergreen.  About 15% of them will receive a new phone for the holidays.  How many students will this be? (Round to the nearest whole).

2.) Temper is going to Best Buy to get NBA 2k14. It retails for $60 and he has a 20% off coupon.  How much is the discount and how much does he have to pay before taxes (subtotal)?

3.) Miguel was very hungry so he ordered from Wing Stop.  He ordered 30 wings and ate 70% of them.  How many wings did he eat? How many wings were left over?

Adding a Percent
4.)  Jennifer went to buy a big bag of Takis at Target.  The Takis cost $4 and the tax is 3%.  How much did she pay for the Takis after taxes?

5.)  Dayana wanted to buy some Vans at Hot Topic.  They cost $65 and the tax is 9%.  How much did she pay for the Vans after taxes?

6.) Oscar bought a Subway sandwich in Chicago and another in Indiana.  They both cost $6.  The tax in Chicago is 9% and the tax in Indiana is 5%.  How much MORE did he pay in Chicago than in Indiana?

Target and Best Buy have competing deals on iPads.  Best Buy is giving you $75 OFF ANY iPad Mini and Target is giving you 15% OFF ANY iPad Mini.  The iPad Minis  cost $300 (regular), $400 (16GB), $500 (32GB), $600 (64GB), and $700 (128GB).

For which iPads is Best Buy the better deal?  For which iPads is Target the better deal? Explain your answer and show your work.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Homework for Wednesday, November 20

Your homework is to complete the % OFF and %Paid parts of your tables from class today.  Have those for tomorrow.

104 you are excused and have no homework for tonight due to the vision tests.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Homework for Tuesday, November 19th

Excellent job with percentages today!  Complete the following for tomorrow.

Find the percent discounts for the following.  Remember the percent OFF equals the discount divided by the original price.

1) Mariana bought a 1 Direction t-shirt on sale for $16 and the original price was $20.  What percent was the t-shirt discounted?

2)  Andrew bought a videogame for $30.  The original price was $60.  What percent was the game discounted?

3) Jorge ordered 20 chicken wings.  He ate 2 wings.  What percentage of wings were left over?

4) Samantha and Fernanda ordered a pizza.  It has 12 slices.  Samantha ate 3 slices and Fernanda ate 4 slices.  What percentage of the pizza is left?

5) Employees at Target get a 10% discount on most of their purchases.  Salvador works at Target, but Hector does not.  They both bought the same things: a CD for $15, a 3DS game for $30, and a movie for $20.  If Salvador used his discount, how much more money did Hector pay than Salvador?

Monday, November 18, 2013

Homework for Monday, November 18th

Complete the following problems on loose-leaf paper to hand in.  Show your work, you do not have to copy them down.

1.)  Karen went to the mall to buy a new bracelet.  The original price was $30 and it was on sale for 30% OFF.  How much was the discount and how much did the bracelet cost now?

2.)  On Black Friday tvs are heavily discounted.  A 50" LCD tv that normally retails for $800 is on sale for 40% OFF of the regular price.  How much is the discount and how much does the tv cost on Black Friday?

3.)  James bought a PS3 controller for 30% OFF.  The regular price was $55.  How much was his discount and how much did he pay for the controller?

Challenge Questions

4.)  Lourdes bought a sweater that was on sale for $30.  The regular price was $40.  How much was the discount? What percent was taken OFF of the regular price?

5.) One Direction is a popular band.  Their album is $15.  For every album, the BAND gets 10%, the manager gets 25%, the COMPANY gets 50%, and the store gets 15%.

How much does One Direction make for each of their albums they sell?  What about the manager? What about the company and the store?  Do you think this is fair? Explain.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Homework for Friday November 15

Complete the following problems on loose-leaf paper for Monday.

Convert the following FRACTIONS into decimals by doing long division.  Then convert that into a percentage.
Remember: 1/4  =  1÷4. This means how many times can 1 be divided by 4, or how many times can 4 go into 1?

Fractions to decimals to percent
1.)  3/8    2.)  3/7    3.) 3/6

4.)  3/5  5.)  3/4  6.)  3/3
Since all of the above fractions were regular and NOT improper, all of the decimals should be less than which number?

Improper fractions to decimals to percent

7.)  10/3    8.)  10/4    9.) 10/5

10.)  10/6  11.)  10/7  12.)  10/8
Since all of the above fractions were IMPROPER, all of the decimals should be greater than which number?  What about the percent?

Use mental math to find the following.  Use the shortcuts from class.
13.) 10% of 50
14.) 10% of 60
15.) 10% of 55.
What is the shortcut for 10%?
Challenge:  45 is 10% of which number?  How did you find this?

16.) 50% of  20
17.) 50% of 30
18.) 50% of 25
What is the shortcut for 25%?
Challenge:  80 is 50% of which number? How did you find this?

19.) 25% of 60
20.) 25% of 80
21.) 25% of 70
What is the shortcut for 25%
Challenge:  30 is 25% of which number?  How did you find this?

Challenge Word Problem:

Bose sells a sound dock at stores for $300.  Out of that $300, 10% goes to the store (Target) and the rest goes to Bose.

How much money does Target make on each sound dock?  How much money does Bose receive from each sound dock sold? Show your work

Part 2:  
Out of the money that Bose receives, 40% of it goes to pay all of the employees and research (cost), 10% goes towards transporting the materials and sound docks from the factories to the stores, the REST  will be kept by Bose as profit.

How much money is spent on transporting?
How much money is spent on employees and research?
How much is kept as profit?

(Hint, these numbers will be LESS than $270)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Homework for Thursday, November 14

Complete the following on a sheet of loose-leaf paper.

Look at the sample problems and answer the following.  Explain how the answers were found. Click on the images to make them bigger in a new screen.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

No Homework for Wednesday, November 13

There will be no homework today as we will have a mini review tomorrow.  Homework for Thursday will be based on the review.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Homework for Friday November 8th-- DUE WEDNESDAY

Hello students!  Don't forget report card pick-up is on TUESDAY!

Below are online copies of the sheets I passed out in class today.  Use these in case you did not get the paper or in case you lost it today. No excuses.

Do not wait until the last day to do these.  They will be due on Wednesday.

Click on the images to open the pictures in full screen. Enjoy your weekend!

If you have additional questions, email me at  :
I will respond by Monday.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Homework for Thursday, November 7, 2013

Convert the following decimals to percentages.

1.)  0. 55      2.)  0. 567
3.)  1. 55      4.)  1. 567

Convert the following percentages to decimals.

1.)  88%     2.)  15%
3.)  87.5%  4.  135.54%

Convert the following FRACTIONS to decimals and percents.

1.)  1/8      2.)  2/8     3.)   3/8    4.) 5/8
What pattern did you notice when you converted to decimals and percents?

 Word Problems

Javier went to Gamestop to buy a pre-owned game.  The original price was $60 but he only paid 90% of the price.  How much was the game?

What was the percent OFF?  How much was the discount? 

Rebecca was happy because she bought a new pair of Jordan's for less than the regular price.  The original price was $150 and she paid 90% of  (NOT OFF) the price.  How much did she pay?

What was the Percent OFF?  How much was this?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Homework for Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Here are some practice problems based on today's lesson on Percentages.  Complete these on loose-leaf paper and have them ready to turn in.

Find the fraction, division, decimal, and percent for each. 

Fraction     Division    Decimal    Percent

                      54 ÷ 100  

                     30 ÷ 100  

                      316 ÷ 100  

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

No Homework for Tuesday, November 5th

No homework today class because I was in a few meetings before the site could post.  I will save it for tomorrow.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Homework for Monday, November 4

Finish these problems on loose-leaf paper.

Convert the following fractions into decimals by using long division
Use the following format

Ex.  3/4 =  3 ÷ 4  =  (long division 4| 3)

1.) 1/4 
2.)  1/2
3.)  1/3
4.)  2/5
5.) 4/10
6.) 3/8
7.)  8/20
8.)  12/20

Convert the decimals into fractions, then reduce.
9.)  0.24
10.)  0.40

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Homework for THURSDAY, October 31st. DUE MONDAY!

Complete the following on loose-leaf paper.  This will be due on MONDAY.  Show your work! We will go over it on Monday.

Challenge 1
There are about 432 students at Evergreen.  Of those 432 students, 3/4 of them want a new videogame system this holiday.  Of that 3/4, 1/3 of them want the new Xbox One. 

Of that 1/3, 2/3 want the standard edition.

What FRACTION of ALL students want the new Xbox One? 
How many students in this example want the new Xbox One?

What FRACTION of ALL students want the Xbox One STANDARD edition?
How many students in this example want the new Xbox One STANDARD Edition?

**Hint.  Read it carefully and make sure you are multiplying fractions**

Challenge 2

**READ this carefully** Take your time!  Multiply your fractions!

Target sold 200 iPads on Black Friday for the holiday.  3/4 of the iPads were 16GB, 1/8 were 32GB, and 1/8 were 64GB.

16GB iPads cost $499
32GB iPads cost $599
64GB iPads cost $699

How many 16GB iPads were sold?  How many 32GB iPads were sold?  How many 64GB iPads were sold?

How much money did Target get for all of the 16GB iPads?  What about the 32GB and 64GB?

Part 2:
Target only keeps 1/20 of the money for all the iPads they sell.  The rest of the money goes to Apple.  How much money did TARGET make on the 16GB iPads they sold?  What about the 32GB and 64GB?

How much money did APPLE get from the iPads that Target sold?  How much was the money from the 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB? 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Music from Today's Field Trip

Here is a link to download the music from our field trip today.

click here


Don't forget to do Wednesday's homework.  It is due TOMORROW!  You will not be allowed to attend the dance without it.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Homework for Tuesday, October 29

This homework is due on THURSDAY.  You MUST turn this in if you wish to attend the dance!

Challenge Questions.
At the Shell gas station in front of the cashier, they sell a bunch of snacks.  There are 300 snacks in all. 

1/4 of the snacks are chocolates
1/4 of the snacks are candy bars
1/5 of the snacks are mints
1/5 of the snacks are gum
1/10 of the snacks are beef jerky.

How many chocolates, candy bars, mints, gum, and beef jerky are there in all?

Part 2:
gum costs $1.25
candy bars cost $0.75
chocolates cost $0.85
mints cost $1.00
beef jerkey costs $1.50

How much money was made on gum? How much money was made on candy? How much money was made on chocolate? How much money was made on beef jerky? How much money was made on mints?

How much money was made in all at the gas station register?

Monday, October 28, 2013

Quiz TOMORROW!  It will be on multiplication and division of fractions. 

 Multiply and reduce to lowest terms.

1.)  3/4 *  6/10    2)  3/8 * 2/15

3.)  8/9 * 4/9     4.)  9/12 *  3/6

Divide the following fractions and reduce to lowest terms.

5.)  1/4 ÷  6/8    6.)  1/8 ÷ 2/5

7.)  3/9 ÷ 4/7     8.)  8/12 ÷  3/4

Find each quotient for the following Mixed numbers.  Reduce to lowest terms.

7.)  4 and 2/3  ÷   2 and 2/5

8.)  7 and 1/2  ÷   2 and 1/4

9.)  6 and 3/8  ÷   3 and 3/4

Friday, October 25, 2013

Homework for FRIDAY, October 25

Answer the following problems on loose-leaf paper to turn in on Monday.

Divide the following fractions and reduce to lowest terms.

1.)  3/4 ÷  5/8    2.)  1/6 ÷ 2/5

3.)  5/9 ÷ 3/8     4.)  8/11 ÷  1/2

Use mental math or any shortcuts to find each product.

5.)  3/5  *  1/2  *  4  *  5/ 3   *  3

6.)  9/7  *  1/2  *  2/3  *  5  * 3/2  *  7/9  *  1/5

Find each quotient for the following Mixed numbers.  Reduce to lowest terms.

7.)  5 and 1/3  ÷   1 and 3/5

8.)  2 and 1/2  ÷   1 and 3/4

9.)  3 and 3/8  ÷   2 and 1/4

Challenge Questions
10.)  On Black Friday, Best Buy will be selling the iPad Air. It comes in 16 GB, 32 GB, 64 GB, and now 128 GB.

Best Buy is going to have 500 of them in stock to sell.

1/2 of the iPads will be 16GB
1/16 of the iPads will be 128GB
1/8 of the iPads will be 64GB
5/16 of the iPads will be 32GB

How many of each iPad will be sold?

Part 2:
Each 16GB costs $499
Each 32GB costs $599
Each 64GB costs $699
Each 128GB costs $799

How much will ALL of the iPads sold on Black Friday at Best Buy cost?  


Thursday, October 24, 2013

No Homework for Thursday, October 24.

Hello everyone! 
Due to the fact I had a meeting in between classes today, I was not able to complete the lesson for everyone. As a result, there will be NO homework today!  Freebie for today.  We'll be back on it tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Homework for WEDNESDAY, October 23, 2013

Multiply these fractions by simplifying them first (cross out any matching numerators and denominators).  Reduce to lowest terms.

1.)  4/3  * 1/12    2.)  5/10  * 4/15
3.)  5/12  *  9/10      4.)  7/20 *  16/14
5.)  6/1 *  4/2 *  1/4   

Convert the following MIXED numbers into improper fractions and multiply. Reduce to lowest terms.

6.)  5   *   4 and 1/8
7.)  3   *   8 and 2/5
8.)  1  and 1/8  *   6 and 1/4
9.)  3  and 1/5  *   1 and 3/4

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Homework for TUESDAY, October 22, 2013

Today's mini lesson was on multiplying mixed numbers. We will continue this tomorrow.

Multiply these fractions by simplifying them first (cross out any matching numerators and denominators).  Reduce to lowest terms.

1.)  1/12  * 12/3    2.)  3/5  * 5/7
3.)  3/8  *  8/9      4.)  2/11 *  11/5
 5.)  1/5 *  2/1 *  5/2   

Convert the following MIXED numbers into improper fractions and multiply. Reduce to lowest terms.

6.)  5  and 1/2  *   6 and 3/4
7.)  3  and 1/6  *   8 and 2/7
8.)  8  and 3/8  *   6 and 1/4
9.)  9  and 2/9  *   5 and 2/10

Monday, October 21, 2013

Homework for MONDAY, October 21st, 2013

Today's lesson focused on the multiplication of fractions. 

Complete the following problems and reduce them to lowest terms.
1.)  3/4  *  2/3    2.)  4/5 *  3/8
3.)  9/12 *  6/9   4.)  12/15 * 6/16
What was the pattern with numbers 1-4? Explain.

5.)  2/3 *  1/8   6.)  5/8 *  9/10

7.) 4/5  *  7/7   8.)  2/7  * 6/6
What was the pattern with # 7 and # 8?  Explain.

9.) 1/3 * 3/1   10.)  3/8  *  16/6 
What was the pattern with #9 and #10?  Explain.

11.)  At Evergreen, 1/4 of the students said that ice cream was their favorite dessert.  Of that 1/4, 2/3 said that chocolate was their favorite ice cream flavor.  What fraction of all the Evergreen students said that chocolate ice cream was their favorite dessert?

12.) Bryant went to the Dollar Store and bought a bucket of army soldiers. 1/2 of the soldiers were green.  Out of that 1/2 of green soldiers, 1/5 were defective.  What fraction of the entire bucket were the defective green soldiers?

Friday, October 18, 2013

Homework for Friday, October 18, 2013

Complete the following problems on loose-leaf paper.  You do NOT have to copy them down but make sure you show your work.

1.) 6 friends were eating pizza at a pizza party.  Andrew at 3/4 of a pizza.  Bart ate 1/2 of a pizza.  Carlos at 4/6 of a pizza.  Daniel ate 7/8 of a pizza.  Eric ate 4/5 of a pizza, and Frank ate 9/10 of a pizza. 

How many pizzas did they eat altogether?

If you were planning this pizza party, what's the LEAST amount of pizzas you would need?

If each pizza cost $8, how much would it cost just to feed the six friends before taxes?

2.) The friends also drank a LOT of soda.  Each can of soda costs $0.75.  Andrew drank 3 cans of soda, Bart drank 2 cans, Carlos drank 4 cans, Daniel drank 1 can, Eric drank 5 cans, and Frank drank 2 cans. 

If you were planning the party, how much money would you need for the soda?  How much would you spend on each of the boys?

How much did you spend on pizza and soda before taxes?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Homework for Thursday, October 17, 2013

I hope everyone enjoyed the review today.  Tomorrow there will be a quiz on adding, subtracting, and converting fractions.

Complete on loose-leaf paper.  You may use these as notes for tomorrow's quiz. Reduce to lowest terms and show your work.

Adding Fractions
1.)   3/12  +  7/12   2.) 3/6 +  4/10  3.)  5/6 +  7/8

4.) 5 and 1/4  +  8 and 2/4

5.) 2 and 3/9  +  5 and 10/18

Why was 6 afraid of 7?

6.) 3 and 3/5 +  6 and 8/20

Subtracting Fractions
7.)  11/15  -  8/15   8.)  7/10  -  4/8  9.)  13/5 - 48/20

10.)  7 and 4/6  - 3 and 1/6
11.)  14 and 6/9  - 10 and 2/12
12.)  10 and 1/8  -  6 and 3/4 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Homework for Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tomorrow we will be having a review on adding, subtracting, and converting fractions.

Complete the following problems on loose-leaf paper.

1.)  8 and 2/5 +  and 3/5
2.)  11 and 3/4 +  and 2/7
3.)  12 and 2/8 +  8 and 2/3
4.)  13 and 4/6 +  and 4/5
5.)  5 and 2/5 -  and 1/5
6.)  10 and 3/4 -  and 2/3
7.)  8 and 2/8 -  5 and 1/3
8.)  9 and 4/6 -  and 1/5

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Homework for Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

Today we began focusing on subtracting mixed numbers. 
Tomorrow we will have additional practice with adding/subtracting fractions.
Thursday will be a mega review and Friday will be your fractions Test.

Simplify the following fractions to lowest terms.

1.) 99/132  2.) 54/72  

3.) 84/112   4.) 96/128

Subtract the following mixed numbers (no need to regroup).  You can choose to convert or make them improper.

5.)  8 and 4/5 -  and 2/5
6.)  9 and 3/4 -  and 2/3
7.)  4 and 6/8 -  2 and 1/3
8.)  7 and 4/6 -  and 3/5

Subtract the following mixed numbers (regroup may be necessary). You can choose to convert or make them improper.

9.)  4 and 1/8 -  2 and 5/8
10.)  7 and 2/6 -  and 3/5

Friday, October 11, 2013

Homework for Friday October 11, 2013

Complete the following problems on loose-leaf paper to turn in on Tuesday. Enjoy your three-day weekend.  I recommend you work on it throughout the weekend, do NOT wait until the last minute.

Reduce the following fractions into lowest terms.

1.)  85/100   2.)  38/52
3.)  72/ 120  4.)  36/108

Add the following mixed numbers
5.)  8 and 2/5 +  and 1/5
6.)  7 and 1/4 +  and 2/3
7.)  3 and 1/6 +  and 1/3
8.)  5 and 4/6 +  and 3/5

9.) Adali and Jessica were in the park and found some sticks.  Jessica's stick was 3 and 2/3 ft long while Adali's stick was 2 and 3/4 ft long.  How long were both sticks together?

10.) Adan and Ivan were throwing footballs.  Adan threw his ball 18 and 2/5 ft away while Ivan threw his ball 17 and 1/5 ft away. When you combine the distances, how far were both balls thrown together?

11.) Edgar, Emmanuel, and Eddie are having a pizza eating contest.  Edgar ate 5/4 pizzas, Emmanuel ate 3/4 of a pizza, and Eddie at 7/8 of a pizza.  How many pizzas did they eat altogether?  Simplify the final mixed number.  How many pizzas did they have to buy? If each pizza cost $5, how much would they have spent before taxes?
 12.)  I am thinking of a number between one and 30.  The sum of its digits is 4.  The product of its digits is 3.  It is a prime number.  What is it?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Homework for Wednesday October 9, 2013

Excellent job working in groups today! Complete the following in

Show 2 different ways to solve each of the following.  Reduce to lowest terms.

1.)  12/3  +  8/2    2.)  21/28  +  3/4

3.)  28/30  -  8/10   4.)  12/15 - 12/30

5.)   5/6 + 1/8  - 1/12

6.)  12/2  - 5/4  +  3/6

7.)  Andrew is going to drive to St. Louis to watch the Blackhawks play the Blues.  His car's gas tank is filled up 5/8 of the way.  He knows it takes 1/2 of a tank to get to St. Louis.  Does he have enough gas to get to St. Louis for the game? If so, how much gas will he have left?

8.) Guadalupe ordered 1 pizza for her and her friends to eat.  Guadalupe at 1/3 of the pizza, Brianna ate 1/3 of the pizza, Diana ate 1/4 of the pizza, and Daisy ate 1/4 of the pizza.  How much of the pizza was left over?  Is this situation possible?  Show your work to explain. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Homework for Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

Great job working in class today everyone!  Here are some additional practice problems for fractions.  Watch the signs.

1.)  8/9 - 1/8         2.)  9/10  - 1/3

3.)  5/6 -  12/36   4.) 20/25 -  9/12 

5.) 80/100 - 4/5    6.) 18/3  -  15/5

7.)  2/2  -  8/12

Challenge. Watch the signs. 
8.) 3/4 + 2/8 - 8/16

9.)  18/20 - 2/3 +  4/12

10.) Julian has a full cookie jar at home.  His friends came over and ate 1/2 of the cookies.  Julian bought some more cookies and put an extra 1/4 in the same jar.  What fraction of the jar is full of cookies?

Monday, October 7, 2013

Homework for MONDAY October 7, 2013

Today's lesson focused on adding fractions.

Complete the following on loose-leaf paper for tomorrow.

Find the sum of each fraction and reduce it to lowest terms.
Remember to write your fractions vertically
1  will look like 1/3 on the blog.

1.)   1/3  + 4/9     2.)  3/10  + 3/5

3.)  1/4 + 4/5     4.) 5/6  +  3/10

5.) 1/2 + 1/4  +  3/8

6.)  2/3  +  6/7   7.)  2/9  + 2/3

8.)  2/3 +  6/7  9.)  5/8  + 1/12

10.)  4/6  +  2/3  +  4/12

11.)  3/3  +  5/5  +  6/6

12.) 2/2  +  1/4

13.)   4/5  +  4/4

14.)  7/7  +  7/7

Friday, October 4, 2013


Hello students!  Since I was busy with meetings all day until now, I have decided to be nice and give you no homework for this weekend since I did not have it ready to upload on time.

ENJOY your weekend!

~Mr. M.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Homework for THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3rd

Quiz tomorrow!
  • Equivalent fractions
  • Expanding and simplifying fractions
  • Cross multiplication to compare fractions
 Complete the following problems to prepare for tomorrow's quiz.

Convert the following improper fractions into MIXED numbers

1.)   17/3     2.)  53/6

3.)  91/7      4.)  28/5

5.)  80/3     6.)  95/6

Reduce the following fractions into LOWEST terms.

7.)   39/52    8.)  42/70

9.)  50/60   10.)  125/150

11.)  75/90    12.)  8/11

Solve for the missing number (x) by multiplying or dividing

13.)  1/3    =   x / 15

14.)   1/2  =  5 / x 

15.)   8/9 =   x / 72


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Homework for Wednesday, October 2nd

Today we went over equivalent fractions and began comparing them.  Complete the following on loose-leaf paper to turn in tomorrow.

Write down 6 equivalent fractions for the following.  Use your multiples to find them. 

1.)   1/2      2.)  1/4 

3.)  1/5       4.) 1/6

5.)  1/8       6.)  1/10

Reduce the following fractions to LOWEST terms.  (divide) Show your work.

7.)  4/40      8.)  18/20

9.)   21/35   10.)  24/64

11.)  32/44   12.)  81/99

Compare the following fractions with cross multiplication.  Use >  , <  or =  to tell me if they are greater, less than, or equal to.  Show your work.

13.)    2/3     4/5   

14.)  4/20    2/10

15.)  5/8       7/13

16.)  12/15    36/45    

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Homework for Tuesday October 1st

Today we focused on converting Mixed numbers to improper fractions, and then converting improper fractions back into Mixed numbers.

Complete the following on loose-leaf paper to turn in tomorrow in class.

Convert the improper fractions to mixed numbers by dividing

1.)   10/ 3    2.)  20/3

3.)  25/7      4.)   31/8

5.)  40/6      6.)  45/7

7.)  58/6    8.)  60/11

9.)  150/11   10.)  234/20

11.) 912/ 6    12.)  512/8   


Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday September 30th-- No Homework

Okay my kiddos, I have decided to give you a break in the homework since we were focused on our Beginning of the Year (BOY) assessment. 

Make sure you have FRIDAY'S homework ready for tomorrow.  We will be starting FRACTIONS tomorrow (dun dun dun).  Enjoy your night!

~Mr. M.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Homework for Friday September 27th

Here are some review problems you should do on loose-leaf paper for Monday. DO NOT use a calculator, practice these with long division and multiplication.You don't have to copy the problem down, just show your work. 

Review Problems
1.) Mr. M is going to buy special t-shirts for his homeroom.  There are 21 students in his class and each of the shirts costs $12.  How much will the t-shirts cost before taxes?  (what kind of problem is this?)

2.)  James is buying some pens that are on sale for $0.18 each.  He buys 48 of them to make sure he has enough for the school year.  How much was his subtotal before taxes? (How much did he spend before taxes)
(what kind of problem is this?)

 3.)  Eric went to Gamestop to trade in some games.  He received $68 in store credit for 16 games.  On average, how much store credit did he receive for each game? (no remainder)
(what kind of problem is this?)

4.)   Billy needed to buy some screws to fix his door.  He paid $2.80 and the screws cost $0.08 each.  How many screws did he buy?
(what kind of problem is this?)

CHALLENGE: GCF   +  multiplying decimals + adding decimals . THIS ONE IS LONG :)

5.) Kimberly is making some fruit baskets for her aunts.  The fruit baskets will have the same number of bananas, apples, pears, and oranges in each one.  She bought 12 bananas, 36 apples, 18 pears, and 30 oranges.  
a)  What is the greatest number of BASKETS she can make?

b)  How many bananas, apples, pears, and oranges will be in EACH basket?

Part 2:
Bananas are $0.24 each, apples are $0.79 each, pears are $0.35 each, and oranges are $0.20 each.  
c) How much did she pay for all of the bananas? All of the apples? All of the pears? All of the oranges?  

d)  How much did she pay for ALL of the fruit?

e.)  How much did EACH fruit basket cost her before taxes? 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Homework for THURSDAY September 26th

Quiz tomorrow! It will be on

  • Greatest Common Factor
  • Least Common Multiple

Complete the following on *loose-leaf* paper to turn in tomorrow.

1) Create your own word problem where you have to find the GCF of 49 and 35
  • Show how you would solve it and what each of the answers mean.

2) Create your own word problem where you have to find the Least Common Multiple of 3, 7, and 9

  • Show how you would solve it and what each of the answers mean.
EXAMPLES from class to help you create your own

Yuritzy wants to give cookies to her friends.  Eric received a cookie every 3rd day, Fernanda received a cookie every 5th day, and Samantha received a cookie every 6th day.  On which day will all three friends receive a cookie?
(Least Common Multiple of 3, 5, and 6) 
Edgar has a quiz in science every 3rd day of school.  He has a math quiz every 5th day, and a reading quiz every 6th day.   When will Edgar have a reading, math, and science quiz on the same day?
(Least Common Multiple of 3, 5, and 6)

Jasmine has 20 cupcakes and 15 bags of hot chips to give to her friends.  Each of her friends will receive the same number of hot chips and cupcakes.  What is the most number of friends that will receive hot chips and cupcakes? How many hot chips and how many cupcakes will each friend get? 
(Greatest Common Factor of 15 and 20)

Shilah went to the store to buy 20 apples and 15 bananas to make fruit baskets. Each fruit basket will receive the same number of apples and bananas.  What is the greatest number of fruit baskets she can make?  How many bananas and how many apples will be in each basket? 
(Greatest Common Factor of 15 and 20)

 HERE are examples to help you remember the differences.


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Homework for WEDNESDAY, September 25th

The homework for today is a continuation of finding the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) and the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)

The sheet was passed out in class today, but in case you lost it or forgot it, it is attached below.  Remember to Click on the Image to get the full size. 

Also, ON THE BOTTOM of page 26, those are CHALLENGE questions.  I have not broken them down for you yet, so you may try them but it's okay if you skip them, we will review them tomorrow. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Homework for Tuesday, September 24

Yesterday's homework was accidentally on a "schedule" that mistimed when it would post.  I fixed the problem now.

Homework for TODAY!

Since we are focusing on Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple.  Complete the following problems on *loose-leaf* paper to hand in tomorrow. You do not have to copy it, but show your work on loose-leaf.

*Angela is going to have a cookout and is going to cook hotdogs with chips.  The hot dog buns come in packages of 8hotdogs are in packages of 10, and there are 20 bags of chips in a variety pack. 

*Each person is going to get one hot dog, one bun, and one bag of chips.  (we don't know how many guests, that's okay for now)

1) What is the smallest number of buns, hot dogs, and chips Angela will need to buy to make sure she has exactly ONE of EACH item for her guests? (1 hot dog, 1 bun, 1 bag of chips)

2) How many packages of buns, hot dogs, and chips will she need?  Explain how you found this answer.

3) Bonus:  Hot dogs cost $3 per pack, buns cost $2 per pack, and chips cost $7 per pack.  How much did Angela spend on her cookout before taxes? 

*** Help from yesterday's homework*** Click to enlarge

Monday, September 23, 2013

Homework Documents for Monday, September 23rd

The homework for today was passed out in class.  You have to finish the problems that were started in class, along with the additional double-sided sheet.

The focus is on Greatest Common Factor.  Remember to show your work and explain your answers as best as possible.  The EXPLANATION is what matters here.

In case you misplaced the sheets. You can copy them to paper or print them by clicking below.

Friday, September 20, 2013

FRIDAY NEWS! --No homework--

Hello Evergreen students,

After looking through some of the quizzes throughout the day, it seems that students are having trouble in different areas.  Because of this confusion, I am going to work on different approaches to these topics so that we can all be back on the same page.

A few things I need YOU to do and have ready to discuss with me on Monday.

  • If you do not understand something, DO NOT be afraid to ask questions in class!  Too many students were too quiet and said things were easy, but had trouble on the quiz. 
  • Practice, practice, practice.  The more you practice, the better you will get at it.  Ask for help when you need it. See me if you need additional help and we will work on a schedule for you.
  • You MUST be a master of your basic multiplication and division fact families (1x1 all the way to 12 x 12), as well as your basic addition and subtraction fact families.  6th grade will get more difficult if you stop practicing these skills. 

NO other homework for me this weekend.  Enjoy yourselves and be ready to reboot on Monday because we have a lot of things to work on and will not be able to slow down.  Have a good weekend!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Homework for Thursday, September 19

There will be a quiz tomorrow!
The quiz will be on:
  • multiplying and dividing decimals.
  • Prime Factorization
  • Factor Trees
  • Prime Numbers
Try these for Practice.
1.)  5.25  *   1.1
2.)  .056  *   1.3  

3.)   1.230 ÷ 1.5  
4.)   14.6  ÷  0.09

5.)   Edgar spent $17.25 on Kit-Kat bars.  Each Kit Kat bar costs $0.75.  How many Kit-Kat bars did he purchase?

6.)  Jocelyn went to Cermak Produce to buy some apples.  The apples are $1.15 for each pound.  She bought 2.6 pounds of apples.  How much did she spend?  

7.)  Find the prime factorization for the following numbers
30   90   150   210.
How are they similar to 30?  

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Homework for WEDNESDAY, September 18th

Today's lesson focused on PRIME FACTORIZATION.

Do the following problems on LOOSE-LEAF Paper to turn in tomorrow.

Show the prime factorization for the following numbers.  Remember to use exponents when you simplify.

60 (2 different ways)
75 (2 different ways)
120 (2 different ways)
200 (2 different ways)
360 (2 different ways)
Bonus.  Show the prime factorization for 1000 in *4* different ways.

Reflect: Look at the prime factorization for 60 and 120.  How are they similar and how are they different?

1.)  569 ÷ 15       2.)  1193 ÷ 22

3.) 1. 25  * 4. 5      4.)  3.14 * 2.5   

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

HOMEWORK for TUESDAY, September 17th

Today's lesson focused on prime vs. composite numbers
Answer the following questions. It can be on loose-leaf or in your journal, it will be checked in tomorrow.
  • Is 1 prime or composite?  Explain.
  • Which is the only prime number that is even? Why is this?
  • What makes a number prime? What makes it composite? Explain.
Use the 100s chart below --you should have received one in school to put in your journal or on loose-leaf paper.  Follow the steps.

  1. Cross out the 1, because ... ???
  2. Circle the 2, now cross out ALL of the multiples of 2
  3. Cirlce the 3, now cross out ALL of the multiples of 3
  4. Circle the 5, now cross out ALL of the multiples of 5
  5. Repeat this until you only have the prime numbers left.  
  6. Write ALL of the prime numbers between 1 and 100. 
  7. Good luck!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Homework for Monday, September 16th

For those of you that did not do your Friday homework, you STILL need it to review for tomorrow.

Today's homework.  *IN YOUR JOURNAL*

State if the following numbers are divisible by 2, 3, 5, 10, or neither.  Explain your reasoning.
Answer in complete sentences.

Example:   250 is divisible by 2, 5, and 10 because it is even and ends in 0.
Example:  111 is divisible by 3 because 1+1+1 =3; and 3 is divisible by 3.

1.)  313     2.)   626

3.)  290     4.)  135

5.)  120     6.)  825

7.)  930     8.)  431

Part 2:
Create your own examples and be ready to share in class!
(3 examples)
A 4-digit number that is divisible by 2, 5, 10 .
(3 examples)
A 4-digit number that is divisible by 3 and 5
(3 examples)
A 4-digit number that is divisible by 2 and 3
(3 examples)
A 4-digit number that CANNOT be divided by 2, 3, 5, or 10.
(3 examples)
A 5-digit number that is divisible by 2, 3, 5, 10

**Reflect: what strategies did you use to come up with your answers?**

Is it possible to come up with a number that is divisible by 3 and 10 only, but not 5 or 2?  Explain. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

FRIDAY HOMEWORK -- September 13

Here is the Homework for this weekend.


You can either copy the questions down on loose leaf paper or print out the page for use in class.  CLICK on the image to make it bigger in a new screen!

Instructions for this. 


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Homework for Thursday September 12, 2013


Your quiz will be on the following topics
*  Comparing Decimals ( < , > , or =  )  
*  Adding and Subtracting Decimals (line up the points) 
*  Multiplying Decimals
*  Dividing decimals  (no remainders)

Long Division -- Dividing decimals (NO REMAINDER)
1.)  345 ÷  12        2.)   456  ÷  11

3.)  6483 ÷  5       4.)   4335  ÷  9

Long Division--  Dividing BY decimals
1.)   .573  ÷ .03      2.  3.456 ÷ .15

** WORD Problem ** (Don't copy, just solve)
Shilah and her sister Annette are competing.  They will get $0.25 for each pound of cans they recycle.  Shilah collects 52.6 pounds and Annette collects 43.2 pounds.  How much more money did Shilah make than Annette?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Homework for WEDNESDAY September 11, 2013

Complete the following problems in your journal  ( I will walk and check to give you credit tomorrow).

Scroll down to see a long division example.

Long Division  (no remainders)

1.)  350 ÷  5       2.)  248 ÷ 6 

3.)  862 ÷ 8       4.)  8765 ÷  12

Multiplication of Decimals

1.)  2.4   x   .124       2.)  4.325 x 1.2

3. 3.4  x  45     4.)   105  x 10.4

Addition and Subtraction of decimals (watch the signs)

1.)    1.2  - 0.456       2.)    45 +  8.14

3.)   12.4  +  .124  +  1.24       

4.)   3.1   -  2.654

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Homework for Tuesday, September 10th

Complete the following problems for tomorrow (Wednesday).  Finish them on *loose leaf paper* to turn in. *SHOW YOUR WORK*

Multiplication of Decimals

1.)   3.1   *   2.6       2.)   0.31   *  0.26

3)  What is the difference between number 1 and number 2?  What did you have to do with the decimal points for your answers?

4)     1.01  *  1.08     5.)  2.01   *  30.6     

6.)   1.5  * 1.5           7.) 9.1  *  0.125

8.)   23.5  *  2.56     9.)  4.56  *  3.2


Monday, September 9, 2013

Homework for September 9th (6th Grade)

Complete the following problems for tomorrow (Tuesday).  Finish them on *loose leaf paper* to turn in. *SHOW YOUR WORK* 

Find the sum for each without using a calculator.  Make sure you line up the decimals and regroup.

1.    6.32 +  72.59       2.  3.241 + 10.6        

3.  14.606 + 8.217 + 0.888        4.  4.102 + 5.6 + 10.99

5.     5.5  + 77.925     6.    2.16 + 3.8

Find the difference for each without using a calculator.  Make sure you line up the decimals and regroup.

1.        124.4 -  95.13       2.    0.567 -  0.49       

3.   3.1  -  0.9     4.  76  -  54.87

5.   0.008   -   0.0034       6.   10 - 4.5

Andres has 2315 Pokemon cards he wants to give away.  He decides to give them to his 21 classmates.  How many will each classmate receive?  How many extras will be left over?  Show your work.