Friday, October 25, 2013

Homework for FRIDAY, October 25

Answer the following problems on loose-leaf paper to turn in on Monday.

Divide the following fractions and reduce to lowest terms.

1.)  3/4 ÷  5/8    2.)  1/6 ÷ 2/5

3.)  5/9 ÷ 3/8     4.)  8/11 ÷  1/2

Use mental math or any shortcuts to find each product.

5.)  3/5  *  1/2  *  4  *  5/ 3   *  3

6.)  9/7  *  1/2  *  2/3  *  5  * 3/2  *  7/9  *  1/5

Find each quotient for the following Mixed numbers.  Reduce to lowest terms.

7.)  5 and 1/3  ÷   1 and 3/5

8.)  2 and 1/2  ÷   1 and 3/4

9.)  3 and 3/8  ÷   2 and 1/4

Challenge Questions
10.)  On Black Friday, Best Buy will be selling the iPad Air. It comes in 16 GB, 32 GB, 64 GB, and now 128 GB.

Best Buy is going to have 500 of them in stock to sell.

1/2 of the iPads will be 16GB
1/16 of the iPads will be 128GB
1/8 of the iPads will be 64GB
5/16 of the iPads will be 32GB

How many of each iPad will be sold?

Part 2:
Each 16GB costs $499
Each 32GB costs $599
Each 64GB costs $699
Each 128GB costs $799

How much will ALL of the iPads sold on Black Friday at Best Buy cost?  


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