Monday, October 7, 2013

Homework for MONDAY October 7, 2013

Today's lesson focused on adding fractions.

Complete the following on loose-leaf paper for tomorrow.

Find the sum of each fraction and reduce it to lowest terms.
Remember to write your fractions vertically
1  will look like 1/3 on the blog.

1.)   1/3  + 4/9     2.)  3/10  + 3/5

3.)  1/4 + 4/5     4.) 5/6  +  3/10

5.) 1/2 + 1/4  +  3/8

6.)  2/3  +  6/7   7.)  2/9  + 2/3

8.)  2/3 +  6/7  9.)  5/8  + 1/12

10.)  4/6  +  2/3  +  4/12

11.)  3/3  +  5/5  +  6/6

12.) 2/2  +  1/4

13.)   4/5  +  4/4

14.)  7/7  +  7/7

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