Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Homework for Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

Today we began focusing on subtracting mixed numbers. 
Tomorrow we will have additional practice with adding/subtracting fractions.
Thursday will be a mega review and Friday will be your fractions Test.

Simplify the following fractions to lowest terms.

1.) 99/132  2.) 54/72  

3.) 84/112   4.) 96/128

Subtract the following mixed numbers (no need to regroup).  You can choose to convert or make them improper.

5.)  8 and 4/5 -  and 2/5
6.)  9 and 3/4 -  and 2/3
7.)  4 and 6/8 -  2 and 1/3
8.)  7 and 4/6 -  and 3/5

Subtract the following mixed numbers (regroup may be necessary). You can choose to convert or make them improper.

9.)  4 and 1/8 -  2 and 5/8
10.)  7 and 2/6 -  and 3/5

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