Friday, November 22, 2013

Homework for Friday, November 22

Quiz will be Monday!  Enjoy your weekend.

1.)  There are 350 students at Evergreen.  About 30% of them will be traveling for the holiday break.  How many students will not be traveling?

2.) Jasmine ordered 20 chicken nuggets from McDonald's.  She ate 30% of the nuggets and Miguel ate the rest.  How many more nuggets did Miguel eat than Jasmine?

3.) Eric took a quiz in science.  He got 13 out of 15 correct.  What was his score?  Round it to the nearest percent.

Adding a Percent
4.)  Esmeralda went to buy a party bag of chips at Target.  The chips cost $7 and the tax is 5%.  How much were the chips after taxes?

5.) Oscar wants to buy a new tv.  It costs $400. The taxes in Chicago are 9% and the taxes in Milwaukee are 6%.  How much more will the tv cost in Chicago than in Milwaukee?

Challenge Question:

Gabriel has two coupons from Bed, Bath, and Beyond.  One coupon is for $5 OFF any item that is $15 or more.  The other coupon is for 20% OFF any item at any price.  How much will an item have to cost so that the $5 OFF coupon is BETTER than the 20% off coupon? When is the 20% off coupon a better deal? 

Explain how you came with your answer.

(Hint, think about if something costs $17, which is a better deal?)

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