Thursday, September 19, 2013

Homework for Thursday, September 19

There will be a quiz tomorrow!
The quiz will be on:
  • multiplying and dividing decimals.
  • Prime Factorization
  • Factor Trees
  • Prime Numbers
Try these for Practice.
1.)  5.25  *   1.1
2.)  .056  *   1.3  

3.)   1.230 ÷ 1.5  
4.)   14.6  ÷  0.09

5.)   Edgar spent $17.25 on Kit-Kat bars.  Each Kit Kat bar costs $0.75.  How many Kit-Kat bars did he purchase?

6.)  Jocelyn went to Cermak Produce to buy some apples.  The apples are $1.15 for each pound.  She bought 2.6 pounds of apples.  How much did she spend?  

7.)  Find the prime factorization for the following numbers
30   90   150   210.
How are they similar to 30?  

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