Tuesday, September 17, 2013

HOMEWORK for TUESDAY, September 17th

Today's lesson focused on prime vs. composite numbers
Answer the following questions. It can be on loose-leaf or in your journal, it will be checked in tomorrow.
  • Is 1 prime or composite?  Explain.
  • Which is the only prime number that is even? Why is this?
  • What makes a number prime? What makes it composite? Explain.
Use the 100s chart below --you should have received one in school to put in your journal or on loose-leaf paper.  Follow the steps.

  1. Cross out the 1, because ... ???
  2. Circle the 2, now cross out ALL of the multiples of 2
  3. Cirlce the 3, now cross out ALL of the multiples of 3
  4. Circle the 5, now cross out ALL of the multiples of 5
  5. Repeat this until you only have the prime numbers left.  
  6. Write ALL of the prime numbers between 1 and 100. 
  7. Good luck!

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