Friday, September 20, 2013

FRIDAY NEWS! --No homework--

Hello Evergreen students,

After looking through some of the quizzes throughout the day, it seems that students are having trouble in different areas.  Because of this confusion, I am going to work on different approaches to these topics so that we can all be back on the same page.

A few things I need YOU to do and have ready to discuss with me on Monday.

  • If you do not understand something, DO NOT be afraid to ask questions in class!  Too many students were too quiet and said things were easy, but had trouble on the quiz. 
  • Practice, practice, practice.  The more you practice, the better you will get at it.  Ask for help when you need it. See me if you need additional help and we will work on a schedule for you.
  • You MUST be a master of your basic multiplication and division fact families (1x1 all the way to 12 x 12), as well as your basic addition and subtraction fact families.  6th grade will get more difficult if you stop practicing these skills. 

NO other homework for me this weekend.  Enjoy yourselves and be ready to reboot on Monday because we have a lot of things to work on and will not be able to slow down.  Have a good weekend!

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