Thursday, December 12, 2013

Homework for Thursday, December 12

Use the graph paper from class to complete the following problems. You can use any of the 4 coordinate planes for your answers.

1.)  Angel bought 5 Big Macs for $10.  Alex bought 8 Big Macs for $16. 

What is the unit rate for the cost of Big Macs? Create a table showing how much it costs for 1 Big Mac all the way to 10 Bic Macs.  Then graph your information.

2.)  Julian wants to buy some used video games that cost the same price.  For 6 games it costs $180 and for 2 games it costs $60. 

What is the unit rate for the cost of used games? Create a table showing how much it costs for 1 game all the way to 10 games.  Then graph your information. Label your x and y axes. For your y-axis count by 20.

3.)  Jennifer is getting One Direction CDs for her friends for Christmas.  She pays $45 for 3 Cds and $75 for 5 CDs. What is the unit rate for the cost of the CDs? Create a table showing how much it costs for 1 CD all the way to 12 CDs.  Then graph your information. Label your x and y axes. For your y-axis count by 10.


4.) Esmeralda is buying mini bags of Takis.  She paid $3  for 6 bags and later bought 12 bags for $6. 
What is the unit rate for the cost of Takis? Create a table showing how much it costs for 1 Takis all the way to 10 Takis.  Then graph your information.

 Click below then print if you need grid paper.

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