Monday, December 16, 2013

Homework for Monday, December 16

Here is your homework for today. My apologies for the confusion on Friday but the blog didn't update when I first fixed the mistakes.

These papers were handed out in class. You can use them for reference if you lost them. 

Use the information from the tables to graph the 4 snails on the graph paper. Answer the following questions 

1). At 30 minutes which snail was in the lead? About how far apart was A from D, and C from B at 30 minutes?

2). How does the line graph help you better understand the information from the tables?

3).What helped you make sure that your graph fit the data from your tables?

4.) Which snail barely moved in one hour?  How do you know this?

5.)  Which snails were the closest? Explain how the graph helped you.

6.)  At about 40 minutes, how far apart was A from D, A from C, A from B, B from C, and B from D?

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