Friday, October 24, 2014

HW - Friday October 24 - SEVENTH GRADE

Use your notes from today and yesterday to help you with the following problems.  Complete them on LOOSE LEAF paper. 

Solve the following equations.  List out the algebraic steps on one side and the BACKWARDS steps on the other side.  THEN, use the backwards steps to help you solve the math.

1.)  4X + 5 = 45     2.)  8x + 3  = 19

3.)  10X  - 13 = 97  4.) 7X - 15 = 34

Now try it with negative numbers.  (hint, your solutions will be positive)
5.)  -3x  + 4  =  -26        6.)   -4x + 2 = -10

7.)   -5x  - 8 = -38       8.) -6x - 4 = -46

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