Tuesday, October 28, 2014

EIGHTH AFTERNOON- HW for Monday October 27

Complete the following on loose leaf paper.  Use any method to help you solve the problems. If you divide first, it may get tough because of fractions, so try to divide at the end. Show all of your steps and be ready to discuss any questions in class tomorrow.

1.)   4x + 8 = 36      2.)  3x + 12 = 42

3.)  5x + 6 = 41       4.) 8x + 12 = 76

5.)  3x - 8  = 33      6.)  4x - 9 = 40

**  Simplify the expressions using distributive property or like terms before you solve.

7.)  3(x + 4) + 2 = 62

8.)   x + x + 10 + 14 + x =  30

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