Thursday, October 31, 2013

Homework for THURSDAY, October 31st. DUE MONDAY!

Complete the following on loose-leaf paper.  This will be due on MONDAY.  Show your work! We will go over it on Monday.

Challenge 1
There are about 432 students at Evergreen.  Of those 432 students, 3/4 of them want a new videogame system this holiday.  Of that 3/4, 1/3 of them want the new Xbox One. 

Of that 1/3, 2/3 want the standard edition.

What FRACTION of ALL students want the new Xbox One? 
How many students in this example want the new Xbox One?

What FRACTION of ALL students want the Xbox One STANDARD edition?
How many students in this example want the new Xbox One STANDARD Edition?

**Hint.  Read it carefully and make sure you are multiplying fractions**

Challenge 2

**READ this carefully** Take your time!  Multiply your fractions!

Target sold 200 iPads on Black Friday for the holiday.  3/4 of the iPads were 16GB, 1/8 were 32GB, and 1/8 were 64GB.

16GB iPads cost $499
32GB iPads cost $599
64GB iPads cost $699

How many 16GB iPads were sold?  How many 32GB iPads were sold?  How many 64GB iPads were sold?

How much money did Target get for all of the 16GB iPads?  What about the 32GB and 64GB?

Part 2:
Target only keeps 1/20 of the money for all the iPads they sell.  The rest of the money goes to Apple.  How much money did TARGET make on the 16GB iPads they sold?  What about the 32GB and 64GB?

How much money did APPLE get from the iPads that Target sold?  How much was the money from the 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB? 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Music from Today's Field Trip

Here is a link to download the music from our field trip today.

click here


Don't forget to do Wednesday's homework.  It is due TOMORROW!  You will not be allowed to attend the dance without it.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Homework for Tuesday, October 29

This homework is due on THURSDAY.  You MUST turn this in if you wish to attend the dance!

Challenge Questions.
At the Shell gas station in front of the cashier, they sell a bunch of snacks.  There are 300 snacks in all. 

1/4 of the snacks are chocolates
1/4 of the snacks are candy bars
1/5 of the snacks are mints
1/5 of the snacks are gum
1/10 of the snacks are beef jerky.

How many chocolates, candy bars, mints, gum, and beef jerky are there in all?

Part 2:
gum costs $1.25
candy bars cost $0.75
chocolates cost $0.85
mints cost $1.00
beef jerkey costs $1.50

How much money was made on gum? How much money was made on candy? How much money was made on chocolate? How much money was made on beef jerky? How much money was made on mints?

How much money was made in all at the gas station register?

Monday, October 28, 2013

Quiz TOMORROW!  It will be on multiplication and division of fractions. 

 Multiply and reduce to lowest terms.

1.)  3/4 *  6/10    2)  3/8 * 2/15

3.)  8/9 * 4/9     4.)  9/12 *  3/6

Divide the following fractions and reduce to lowest terms.

5.)  1/4 ÷  6/8    6.)  1/8 ÷ 2/5

7.)  3/9 ÷ 4/7     8.)  8/12 ÷  3/4

Find each quotient for the following Mixed numbers.  Reduce to lowest terms.

7.)  4 and 2/3  ÷   2 and 2/5

8.)  7 and 1/2  ÷   2 and 1/4

9.)  6 and 3/8  ÷   3 and 3/4

Friday, October 25, 2013

Homework for FRIDAY, October 25

Answer the following problems on loose-leaf paper to turn in on Monday.

Divide the following fractions and reduce to lowest terms.

1.)  3/4 ÷  5/8    2.)  1/6 ÷ 2/5

3.)  5/9 ÷ 3/8     4.)  8/11 ÷  1/2

Use mental math or any shortcuts to find each product.

5.)  3/5  *  1/2  *  4  *  5/ 3   *  3

6.)  9/7  *  1/2  *  2/3  *  5  * 3/2  *  7/9  *  1/5

Find each quotient for the following Mixed numbers.  Reduce to lowest terms.

7.)  5 and 1/3  ÷   1 and 3/5

8.)  2 and 1/2  ÷   1 and 3/4

9.)  3 and 3/8  ÷   2 and 1/4

Challenge Questions
10.)  On Black Friday, Best Buy will be selling the iPad Air. It comes in 16 GB, 32 GB, 64 GB, and now 128 GB.

Best Buy is going to have 500 of them in stock to sell.

1/2 of the iPads will be 16GB
1/16 of the iPads will be 128GB
1/8 of the iPads will be 64GB
5/16 of the iPads will be 32GB

How many of each iPad will be sold?

Part 2:
Each 16GB costs $499
Each 32GB costs $599
Each 64GB costs $699
Each 128GB costs $799

How much will ALL of the iPads sold on Black Friday at Best Buy cost?  


Thursday, October 24, 2013

No Homework for Thursday, October 24.

Hello everyone! 
Due to the fact I had a meeting in between classes today, I was not able to complete the lesson for everyone. As a result, there will be NO homework today!  Freebie for today.  We'll be back on it tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Homework for WEDNESDAY, October 23, 2013

Multiply these fractions by simplifying them first (cross out any matching numerators and denominators).  Reduce to lowest terms.

1.)  4/3  * 1/12    2.)  5/10  * 4/15
3.)  5/12  *  9/10      4.)  7/20 *  16/14
5.)  6/1 *  4/2 *  1/4   

Convert the following MIXED numbers into improper fractions and multiply. Reduce to lowest terms.

6.)  5   *   4 and 1/8
7.)  3   *   8 and 2/5
8.)  1  and 1/8  *   6 and 1/4
9.)  3  and 1/5  *   1 and 3/4

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Homework for TUESDAY, October 22, 2013

Today's mini lesson was on multiplying mixed numbers. We will continue this tomorrow.

Multiply these fractions by simplifying them first (cross out any matching numerators and denominators).  Reduce to lowest terms.

1.)  1/12  * 12/3    2.)  3/5  * 5/7
3.)  3/8  *  8/9      4.)  2/11 *  11/5
 5.)  1/5 *  2/1 *  5/2   

Convert the following MIXED numbers into improper fractions and multiply. Reduce to lowest terms.

6.)  5  and 1/2  *   6 and 3/4
7.)  3  and 1/6  *   8 and 2/7
8.)  8  and 3/8  *   6 and 1/4
9.)  9  and 2/9  *   5 and 2/10

Monday, October 21, 2013

Homework for MONDAY, October 21st, 2013

Today's lesson focused on the multiplication of fractions. 

Complete the following problems and reduce them to lowest terms.
1.)  3/4  *  2/3    2.)  4/5 *  3/8
3.)  9/12 *  6/9   4.)  12/15 * 6/16
What was the pattern with numbers 1-4? Explain.

5.)  2/3 *  1/8   6.)  5/8 *  9/10

7.) 4/5  *  7/7   8.)  2/7  * 6/6
What was the pattern with # 7 and # 8?  Explain.

9.) 1/3 * 3/1   10.)  3/8  *  16/6 
What was the pattern with #9 and #10?  Explain.

11.)  At Evergreen, 1/4 of the students said that ice cream was their favorite dessert.  Of that 1/4, 2/3 said that chocolate was their favorite ice cream flavor.  What fraction of all the Evergreen students said that chocolate ice cream was their favorite dessert?

12.) Bryant went to the Dollar Store and bought a bucket of army soldiers. 1/2 of the soldiers were green.  Out of that 1/2 of green soldiers, 1/5 were defective.  What fraction of the entire bucket were the defective green soldiers?

Friday, October 18, 2013

Homework for Friday, October 18, 2013

Complete the following problems on loose-leaf paper.  You do NOT have to copy them down but make sure you show your work.

1.) 6 friends were eating pizza at a pizza party.  Andrew at 3/4 of a pizza.  Bart ate 1/2 of a pizza.  Carlos at 4/6 of a pizza.  Daniel ate 7/8 of a pizza.  Eric ate 4/5 of a pizza, and Frank ate 9/10 of a pizza. 

How many pizzas did they eat altogether?

If you were planning this pizza party, what's the LEAST amount of pizzas you would need?

If each pizza cost $8, how much would it cost just to feed the six friends before taxes?

2.) The friends also drank a LOT of soda.  Each can of soda costs $0.75.  Andrew drank 3 cans of soda, Bart drank 2 cans, Carlos drank 4 cans, Daniel drank 1 can, Eric drank 5 cans, and Frank drank 2 cans. 

If you were planning the party, how much money would you need for the soda?  How much would you spend on each of the boys?

How much did you spend on pizza and soda before taxes?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Homework for Thursday, October 17, 2013

I hope everyone enjoyed the review today.  Tomorrow there will be a quiz on adding, subtracting, and converting fractions.

Complete on loose-leaf paper.  You may use these as notes for tomorrow's quiz. Reduce to lowest terms and show your work.

Adding Fractions
1.)   3/12  +  7/12   2.) 3/6 +  4/10  3.)  5/6 +  7/8

4.) 5 and 1/4  +  8 and 2/4

5.) 2 and 3/9  +  5 and 10/18

Why was 6 afraid of 7?

6.) 3 and 3/5 +  6 and 8/20

Subtracting Fractions
7.)  11/15  -  8/15   8.)  7/10  -  4/8  9.)  13/5 - 48/20

10.)  7 and 4/6  - 3 and 1/6
11.)  14 and 6/9  - 10 and 2/12
12.)  10 and 1/8  -  6 and 3/4 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Homework for Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tomorrow we will be having a review on adding, subtracting, and converting fractions.

Complete the following problems on loose-leaf paper.

1.)  8 and 2/5 +  and 3/5
2.)  11 and 3/4 +  and 2/7
3.)  12 and 2/8 +  8 and 2/3
4.)  13 and 4/6 +  and 4/5
5.)  5 and 2/5 -  and 1/5
6.)  10 and 3/4 -  and 2/3
7.)  8 and 2/8 -  5 and 1/3
8.)  9 and 4/6 -  and 1/5

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Homework for Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

Today we began focusing on subtracting mixed numbers. 
Tomorrow we will have additional practice with adding/subtracting fractions.
Thursday will be a mega review and Friday will be your fractions Test.

Simplify the following fractions to lowest terms.

1.) 99/132  2.) 54/72  

3.) 84/112   4.) 96/128

Subtract the following mixed numbers (no need to regroup).  You can choose to convert or make them improper.

5.)  8 and 4/5 -  and 2/5
6.)  9 and 3/4 -  and 2/3
7.)  4 and 6/8 -  2 and 1/3
8.)  7 and 4/6 -  and 3/5

Subtract the following mixed numbers (regroup may be necessary). You can choose to convert or make them improper.

9.)  4 and 1/8 -  2 and 5/8
10.)  7 and 2/6 -  and 3/5

Friday, October 11, 2013

Homework for Friday October 11, 2013

Complete the following problems on loose-leaf paper to turn in on Tuesday. Enjoy your three-day weekend.  I recommend you work on it throughout the weekend, do NOT wait until the last minute.

Reduce the following fractions into lowest terms.

1.)  85/100   2.)  38/52
3.)  72/ 120  4.)  36/108

Add the following mixed numbers
5.)  8 and 2/5 +  and 1/5
6.)  7 and 1/4 +  and 2/3
7.)  3 and 1/6 +  and 1/3
8.)  5 and 4/6 +  and 3/5

9.) Adali and Jessica were in the park and found some sticks.  Jessica's stick was 3 and 2/3 ft long while Adali's stick was 2 and 3/4 ft long.  How long were both sticks together?

10.) Adan and Ivan were throwing footballs.  Adan threw his ball 18 and 2/5 ft away while Ivan threw his ball 17 and 1/5 ft away. When you combine the distances, how far were both balls thrown together?

11.) Edgar, Emmanuel, and Eddie are having a pizza eating contest.  Edgar ate 5/4 pizzas, Emmanuel ate 3/4 of a pizza, and Eddie at 7/8 of a pizza.  How many pizzas did they eat altogether?  Simplify the final mixed number.  How many pizzas did they have to buy? If each pizza cost $5, how much would they have spent before taxes?
 12.)  I am thinking of a number between one and 30.  The sum of its digits is 4.  The product of its digits is 3.  It is a prime number.  What is it?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Homework for Wednesday October 9, 2013

Excellent job working in groups today! Complete the following in

Show 2 different ways to solve each of the following.  Reduce to lowest terms.

1.)  12/3  +  8/2    2.)  21/28  +  3/4

3.)  28/30  -  8/10   4.)  12/15 - 12/30

5.)   5/6 + 1/8  - 1/12

6.)  12/2  - 5/4  +  3/6

7.)  Andrew is going to drive to St. Louis to watch the Blackhawks play the Blues.  His car's gas tank is filled up 5/8 of the way.  He knows it takes 1/2 of a tank to get to St. Louis.  Does he have enough gas to get to St. Louis for the game? If so, how much gas will he have left?

8.) Guadalupe ordered 1 pizza for her and her friends to eat.  Guadalupe at 1/3 of the pizza, Brianna ate 1/3 of the pizza, Diana ate 1/4 of the pizza, and Daisy ate 1/4 of the pizza.  How much of the pizza was left over?  Is this situation possible?  Show your work to explain. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Homework for Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

Great job working in class today everyone!  Here are some additional practice problems for fractions.  Watch the signs.

1.)  8/9 - 1/8         2.)  9/10  - 1/3

3.)  5/6 -  12/36   4.) 20/25 -  9/12 

5.) 80/100 - 4/5    6.) 18/3  -  15/5

7.)  2/2  -  8/12

Challenge. Watch the signs. 
8.) 3/4 + 2/8 - 8/16

9.)  18/20 - 2/3 +  4/12

10.) Julian has a full cookie jar at home.  His friends came over and ate 1/2 of the cookies.  Julian bought some more cookies and put an extra 1/4 in the same jar.  What fraction of the jar is full of cookies?

Monday, October 7, 2013

Homework for MONDAY October 7, 2013

Today's lesson focused on adding fractions.

Complete the following on loose-leaf paper for tomorrow.

Find the sum of each fraction and reduce it to lowest terms.
Remember to write your fractions vertically
1  will look like 1/3 on the blog.

1.)   1/3  + 4/9     2.)  3/10  + 3/5

3.)  1/4 + 4/5     4.) 5/6  +  3/10

5.) 1/2 + 1/4  +  3/8

6.)  2/3  +  6/7   7.)  2/9  + 2/3

8.)  2/3 +  6/7  9.)  5/8  + 1/12

10.)  4/6  +  2/3  +  4/12

11.)  3/3  +  5/5  +  6/6

12.) 2/2  +  1/4

13.)   4/5  +  4/4

14.)  7/7  +  7/7

Friday, October 4, 2013


Hello students!  Since I was busy with meetings all day until now, I have decided to be nice and give you no homework for this weekend since I did not have it ready to upload on time.

ENJOY your weekend!

~Mr. M.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Homework for THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3rd

Quiz tomorrow!
  • Equivalent fractions
  • Expanding and simplifying fractions
  • Cross multiplication to compare fractions
 Complete the following problems to prepare for tomorrow's quiz.

Convert the following improper fractions into MIXED numbers

1.)   17/3     2.)  53/6

3.)  91/7      4.)  28/5

5.)  80/3     6.)  95/6

Reduce the following fractions into LOWEST terms.

7.)   39/52    8.)  42/70

9.)  50/60   10.)  125/150

11.)  75/90    12.)  8/11

Solve for the missing number (x) by multiplying or dividing

13.)  1/3    =   x / 15

14.)   1/2  =  5 / x 

15.)   8/9 =   x / 72


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Homework for Wednesday, October 2nd

Today we went over equivalent fractions and began comparing them.  Complete the following on loose-leaf paper to turn in tomorrow.

Write down 6 equivalent fractions for the following.  Use your multiples to find them. 

1.)   1/2      2.)  1/4 

3.)  1/5       4.) 1/6

5.)  1/8       6.)  1/10

Reduce the following fractions to LOWEST terms.  (divide) Show your work.

7.)  4/40      8.)  18/20

9.)   21/35   10.)  24/64

11.)  32/44   12.)  81/99

Compare the following fractions with cross multiplication.  Use >  , <  or =  to tell me if they are greater, less than, or equal to.  Show your work.

13.)    2/3     4/5   

14.)  4/20    2/10

15.)  5/8       7/13

16.)  12/15    36/45    

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Homework for Tuesday October 1st

Today we focused on converting Mixed numbers to improper fractions, and then converting improper fractions back into Mixed numbers.

Complete the following on loose-leaf paper to turn in tomorrow in class.

Convert the improper fractions to mixed numbers by dividing

1.)   10/ 3    2.)  20/3

3.)  25/7      4.)   31/8

5.)  40/6      6.)  45/7

7.)  58/6    8.)  60/11

9.)  150/11   10.)  234/20

11.) 912/ 6    12.)  512/8   
