Wednesday, September 17, 2014

HW- Wednesday September 17 - ALGEBRA

Complete the following on loose-leaf to turn in tomorrow.

5. Use the basic rules of arithmetic to rewrite each calculation more simply.  Do not use a calculator.

a.)  2 * (473 * 5)   b.) 12 * 199

c.)  42 * 203       d.) 4 * 27 * 5 * 3

6.) Find each result.

a.) 15 * 3 + (-6)    b.) 15(3 + (-6))    c. 15 + 3 (-6)

d.)  15 + (-6)3    e.) 15 + (-6)3  + (-15)

What strategies did you use to make these problems easier?

Show how each of the following is true.
a.)  (5+3) (5-3) = 5 * 5 - 3 * 3
b.)  (4+5) (4-5) = 4 * 4 - 5*5

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