Wednesday, September 10, 2014

HW- Wednesday September 10 -- SEVENTH GRADE

Complete the following on loose leaf paper to turn in tomorrow.  Do NOT use a calculator.

1.)  -2 + 0 +(-9) + 9
2.)  -13 + 8 + (-2) + (-8)
3.)  -9 + 7 + 12 + (-7) + 9
4.)  5 + (-12) +  (3 + 12)

5.) Vanessa is playing Jeopardy.  She has -300 points and just answered a 600 point question wrong.  What is her new score?

6.)  Mike is also playing Jeopardy. He has 400 points.  He is about to answer a 600 point question.  If he is right, he gains points, but if he is wrong he will lose the points.  What will be his score if he is correct, what about if he is incorrect?

7.)  Death Valley has an elevation of -282 feet, Siberia has an elevation of 5,712 feet.  What is the difference in elevation between Siberia and Death Valley? Show your work.

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