Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Homework- Tuesday September 30

Homework for seventh grade and algebra was passed out today. 

seventh grade-- complete the bank transaction ledger sheet

8th- algebra-- complete the Extra Practice sheet that was passed out at the end of the day. 

8th-afternoon. No homework. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

HW- Thursday September 25 - ALGEBRA

Complete the following on loose-leaf paper to turn in class.

Use any shortcuts to help you solve the following.

5.  d.   14 (3/2 + __ ) = 28
e. -5 * (1/9 + __)  = 0
f.  24 * (1/2 + __) = 4

How did you find each missing number?

10. Fill in the missing number to make each equation true.
a.  3 * __ = 12
b.  3 * __ = 7
c.  3 * __ = -11
d.  3* __ = 4
How did you find out each missing number?

a. 7 * (1/7 + __)  = 3
b.  1/5 * (11 + __) = 14/5
c.  1/3 * (8 + __ ) = 7/3
d. -5  * (1/2 + __) = - 5 
How did you determine the missing numbers?

HW- Thursday September 25 - SEVENTH Grade

Complete this on loose-leaf paper to turn in tomorrow.
Use distributive property to solve the following problems.

1.)  -5( 3/5 + 4/5)
2.)  -8(2/8 + 3/8)
3.)  -9(7/9 + 11/9)

Use any method or shortcut to solve the following.
4.)  -7(1/2 + 3/6)
5.)  10(10/4 + 6/4)
6.)  4(4/5 + 11/5)

Use any shortcut to solve the following problems on fractions

7.)    3/5 * 5/9 * 6/2 * 9/6

8.)   3/4 * 4/8 * 7/3 * 2/7

**bonus:   (-1/3) * (-3/2) * (-3/6) ( -2/10)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

HW-Wednesday September 24-Algebra

Complete the following on loose-leaf paper to turn in tomorrow.

12. Fill in the blank with a number that makes the equation true.

a.  1/3  +  __  = 1    b.  1/4  + __  =1    c. 2/5 + __  = 1

d.  4/3  +  __  = 1   e. -3/11 +  __ = 1    f.)  Identify the pattern you noticed.

Find each product using the Distributive Property

a.   15 * (1/3  + 1/5)

b.  10 * (1/2  + 1/5)

c.  25 * (1/5 + 7/25)

d.  9/4 * (4/3 + 8/9)

e.)  Describe any shortcuts or strategies that helped make these easier.

Homework- Wednesday September 24 - SEVENTH Grade

Complete the following on loose leaf paper.Use your class notes for examples.

Use 3 examples of the distributive property to solve the following examples.  Two should be addition, one should be subtraction. Show all of your steps. Ex:  4(7)  = 4(3+4)  4(5+2)  or 4(10-3).

1.)   5 (23)
2.)  4(18)
3.)  9(15)

Use distributive property to solve the following.  Watch the signs.

4.)  5(20 + 6)    5.)  7(15-3)

6.)  -3(8+4)       7.)  -6(10+4)

8.)  -8(11+3)      9.)  -5(25+5)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

HW- Tuesday September 23 - SEVENTH GRADE

Complete the following problems on multiplying positive and negative integers on loose leaf paper.  Do NOT use a calculator.  We will have a quiz on this later in the week.

1.)  8 * (-5)     2.) 9 * (-7)

3.)  (-6)  * 8     4.)  (-3) * 24

5.) 15 * 6          6.)  81 * 7

7.) (-7) * (-11)    8.)  (-9)  * (-12)

9.)  24 * (-4)     10.)  (-5)  * (-43)

11.)  45 / (-9)

12.) (-48) / (-6)

13.)  99 / (-11)

14.) (-72) / (-8)

15.) 32 divided by (-4), then divided by (-4) again

Monday, September 22, 2014

HW- Monday September 22 -

Your homework was passed out today.  Complete the sheet on decimals and fractions for tomorrow.

HW-Monday September 22- SEVENTH GRADE

Complete the following problems on multiplying positive and negative integers on loose leaf paper.  Do NOT use a calculator.  We will have a quiz on this later in the week.

1.)  6 * (-5)     2.)  3 * (-4)

3.)  (-7)  * 8     4.)  (-9) * 4

5.) 5 * 9          6.)  8 * 13

7.) (-4) * (-12)    8.)  (-8)  * (-12)

9.)  21 * (-3)     10.)  (-5)  * (-23)

11.)  5 * (-3) * (-4)

12.) (-8) * 2 * 6

13.)  9 * 7 * 3

14.) (-3) * (-5) * (-6)

15.) (-4) * (-1) * (-3) * (-2)

Use distributive property to solve.
16.) -3(5 + 3)

17.) -8(4-2)

18.) -4(5+11)

Friday, September 19, 2014

HW- Friday September 19 - SEVENTH GRADE (BOTH)

Complete the following on loose-leaf paper.

1.)   Would the following problem have a positive or negative solution?  How do you know? Explain

4/5 + (-1/2)

Solve  4/5 + (-1/2)

2.)   Would the following problem have a positive or negative solution?  How do you know? Explain.

8/10+ (-28/35)

Solve  8/10+ (-28/35)

3.)   Would the following problem have a positive or negative solution?  How do you know? Explain.

-6/8 + 10/3

Solve  -6/8 + 10/3

4.)   Would the following problem have a positive or negative solution?  How do you know? Explain.

-2/4 + (-10/3)

Solve  2/4 + (-10/3)

BONUS: Watch the sign
5.)  -(1/3) - (-3/5)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

HW- Thursday September 18 - SEVENTH Grade

Complete the following on loose-leaf paper.

1.)   Would the following problem have a positive or negative solution?  How do you know? Explain

4 + (-10)

Solve  4 + (-10)

2.)   Would the following problem have a positive or negative solution?  How do you know? Explain.

14 + (-8)

Solve  14 + (-8)

3.)   Would the following problem have a positive or negative solution?  How do you know? Explain.

3/4 + (-1/3)

Solve  3/4 + (-1/3)

4.)   Would the following problem have a positive or negative solution?  How do you know? Explain.

2/4 + (-10/3)

Solve  2/4 + (-10/3)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

HW- Wednesday September 17 - ALGEBRA

Complete the following on loose-leaf to turn in tomorrow.

5. Use the basic rules of arithmetic to rewrite each calculation more simply.  Do not use a calculator.

a.)  2 * (473 * 5)   b.) 12 * 199

c.)  42 * 203       d.) 4 * 27 * 5 * 3

6.) Find each result.

a.) 15 * 3 + (-6)    b.) 15(3 + (-6))    c. 15 + 3 (-6)

d.)  15 + (-6)3    e.) 15 + (-6)3  + (-15)

What strategies did you use to make these problems easier?

Show how each of the following is true.
a.)  (5+3) (5-3) = 5 * 5 - 3 * 3
b.)  (4+5) (4-5) = 4 * 4 - 5*5

HW- Wednesday, September 17-- 8th Afternoon

Complete the following in your journal.  Use your notes from in class to help.

1.)  Point A is (5, 9).  What is the Coordinate of A' if it is reflected over the x-axis?

2.)  Point B is (2, 7).  What is the Coordinate of B' if it is reflected over the x-axis?

3.)  Point C is (4, 1).  What is the Coordinate of C' if it is reflected over the y-axis?

4.)  Point D is (10, 4).  What is the Coordinate of D' if it is reflected over the y-axis?

5.)  Point E is (12, 8).  What is the Coordinate of E' if it is reflected over the both the x and y axes?

6.)  Point F is (-1, -4).  What is the Coordinate of F' if it is reflected over the both the x and y axes?

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

HW- Tuesday September 16 - 7th Afternoon

Complete the following problems on loose leaf paper to turn in tomorrow.  Watch the signs and remember to have the same denominator.

1.)  1/2  +  3/4     2.) 1/2  - 3/4

3.)  1/8  + 4/5      4.)  1/8 - 4/5

5.)  3/4 + 9/10       6.)  3/4 - 9/10

What pattern did you notice with the answers?

8.)   Will 1/2 - 9/10 be positive or negative?  How do you know just by looking at it?

9.)   - 3/4  +  18/20     10.)   -1/4  +  4/5

HW- Tuesday September 16 -- ALGEBRA group

No homework for today due to NWEA testing.

HW Tuesday September 16 - 8th Afternoon

Complete the questions about reflections on the back of the table that was handed out today.  Be ready to discuss your answers tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 16 -- 7th Morning

No homework for today as we just began our lesson on Rational numbers.  We will continue tomorrow

Friday, September 12, 2014

Homework --8TH AFTERNOON

For homework, reflect on our assignment in class and write this in your journal. Your answer should be in complete sentences

Reflect:  What did you learn about transformations through the assignment today?  How did the coordinates change when you had a translation, reflection, or rotation?


No homework for the weekend due to our quiz today!  Have a great weekend!

ALGEBRA-- No Homework for the weekend

No Homework for the weekend due to our quiz.  Enjoy it and be ready to continue on Monday!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

HW- Thursday September 11-- EIGHTH AFTERNOON

There is no homework for tonight. Once we finish our lesson on transformations tomorrow I will have some homework ready for the weekend.  Enjoy your night!

HW- Thursday September 11- ALGEBRA

Use your notes to prepare for your quiz tomorrow.  We will be reviewing patterns with multiplication and addition.

HW- Thursday September 11- SEVENTH GRADE

Complete the following in your journal tomorrow for homework.  I will check your notebooks and will NOT collect it.  There will be a quiz tomorrow as well.

1.)  Jose has $23 in his bank account and just charged $35 on his debit account to buy a video game.  The store accepted the payment.  What is the balance on his account? Should he have bought the game? Explain your answer.

2.)  The temperature of the ice cream was -12 degrees Celsius.  Julio left it on the table to warm up.  The temperature of the ice cream was now 5 degrees Celsius when he began eating it.  How much warmer was the ice cream when Julio started eating it than when he put it on the table?

3.) Football:  The Bears are on their 10 yard line ready to score (if they lose yards, they go back; if they gain yards they go forward and the numbers shrink). On the first play they lost 5 yards on a sack, lost 7 yards on a fumble, and finally Jay Cutler threw a completed pass that gained 20 yards.  Jeffrey says it's a touchdown, but Michael says he was short.  Who was correct?  Explain (you may draw this out too).

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

HW- Wednesday September 10 -- SEVENTH GRADE

Complete the following on loose leaf paper to turn in tomorrow.  Do NOT use a calculator.

1.)  -2 + 0 +(-9) + 9
2.)  -13 + 8 + (-2) + (-8)
3.)  -9 + 7 + 12 + (-7) + 9
4.)  5 + (-12) +  (3 + 12)

5.) Vanessa is playing Jeopardy.  She has -300 points and just answered a 600 point question wrong.  What is her new score?

6.)  Mike is also playing Jeopardy. He has 400 points.  He is about to answer a 600 point question.  If he is right, he gains points, but if he is wrong he will lose the points.  What will be his score if he is correct, what about if he is incorrect?

7.)  Death Valley has an elevation of -282 feet, Siberia has an elevation of 5,712 feet.  What is the difference in elevation between Siberia and Death Valley? Show your work.

HW- Wednesday September 10 --ALGEBRA

For homework you are to complete the extended multiplication table and the Additional Practice on the back. 
In case you lost your sheet, here is the page. 

HW- Wednesday, September 10 - EIGHTH AFTERNOON

For the 8th grade afternoon group, there is no math homework due to the technical difficulties we had with our lesson.  We will continue with transformations tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

HW tuesday September 9, SEVENTH GRADE

Complete the following problems on positive and negative integers on loose leaf paper.  Be ready to continue this in class tomorrow. Do not use a calculator to solve, you may use the tile or number line method to prove your answer.

1.)  18 + (-11)   2.)  -4 - 8

3.)  - 16 + (-15)    4.)  -11 + (-5)

5.)  -9 + (-9)     6.)  (-9)  - 9

7.)  12 - 18    8.)  7 + (-18)

9.)  Tony owes his friend Ben $5 because he lost a bet.  He decided to bet him again for $8, but e lost the race and now owes Ben more money.  How much money does Tony owe Ben now? If Tony would have won, how much money would he have had? Explain how you found your answer. 

HW, Tuesday September 9, ALGEBRA

Complete the following problems on loose leaf paper for tomorrow.
#1  Start with each number given.  Add 2, subtract 7, add 11, subtract 15. Write down the ending number
a.)  Start:  12      End?
b.) Start: 23        End?
c.) Start: 6          End?
d.) Start: 8          End?
e.) Write down the rule for getting your ending number. (Explain how you can get your answer when you start with 12, when you start with 23, etc.)

#2 Find the differences
a.)  313- 189
b.) 189 - 313
c.) 1000 - 5
d.) 5 - 1000
e.) 760 - 88
f.)  88 - 760
g.)  How does the result change when you reverse the summands in subtraction?

#3 FIND each difference and record the last digit in each difference.
a.) 62 - 38
b.) 62 - 48
c.) 62 - 58
d.) 62 - 68
e.) 62 - 78
f.) 62 - 88
g.) What was the pattern for the last digits in the differences?

HW Tuesday, September 9, EIGHTH AFTERNOON

Your homework is to plot at least two more figures on the graph paper that was handed out today.  Be ready to discuss the differences between the figures you plotted on the paper tomorrow.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Homework for Monday, September 8th- Eighth AFTERNOON

Here is the homework for today:

THe homework is pushed back because we did not finish our lesson.  Review the definitions discussed in class today.

Homework for Monday, September 8th-SEVENTH AFTERNOON

Today we began reviewing adding/subtracting positive and negative integers.  Complete the following problems on loose leaf paper to turn in tomorrow.  Do NOT use a calculator.

1.)  8 + (-14)   2.)  (-4) + 20)

3.)  - 9 + 10    4.)  15 + (-5)

5.)  (-7) + 7     6.)  (-7) + (-7)

7.)  (-3) + 12    8.)  15 + (-23)

9.  Julian has $5 in his pocket.  He just found a $10 bill in his jacket, but remembered that he owes his friend Pedro $24.  How much money does he still owe?

Homework for Monday, September 8th 2014- Seventh Morning

Today we began reviewing adding/subtracting positive and negative integers.  Complete the following problems on loose leaf paper to turn in tomorrow.  Do NOT use a calculator.

1.)  8 + (-14)   2.)  (-4) + 20)

3.)  - 9 + 10    4.)  15 + (-5)

5.)  (-7) + 7     6.)  (-7) + (-7)

7.)  (-3) + 12    8.)  15 + (-23)

9.  Julian has $5 in his pocket.  He just found a $10 bill in his jacket, but remembered that he owes his friend Pedro $24.  How much money does he still owe?

Algebra HW- Monday September 8th

Homework for today:

Complete the Addition and Multiplication pattern tables we passed out in class today.