Tuesday, February 10, 2015

HW- SEVENTH GRADE - Tuesday Feb 10

Complete the following survey on loose leaf paper in case you did not receive the paper in class today.

No name is needed.
7th grade survey
Answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge.  Your answers will be ANONYMOUS J so don’t worry about other teachers or the principals seeing your responses. We will use these numbers to compare data points for the seventh grade for our math unit.

1.)  What are your grades for the 1st and 2nd quarter?  Use 4 points for A, 3 for B, 2 for C, 1 for D, 0 for F.

1st Quarter                                                                                          2nd Quarter
SS                           Science                                                                 SS                                           Science
Math                     Language Arts                                                   Math                                     Language Arts

2.)  How many apps do you have installed on your mobile phone or tablet? (include the basic apps)

3.)  How many Facebook accounts do you have?

4.)  How many Facebook friends do you have on your main account?

5.)  How many hours per week do you spend reading on your own? (include books and websites/blogs)

6.)  How many hours per week do you spend watching tv? (include playing video games on the tv)

7.)  How many hours per week do you spend on Facebook or other social media? (snapchat, instagram, texting, etc.)

8.)  How many absences have you had in the school year?  (give the best estimate).

9.)   How many physical videogame systems do you own? (do not include apps)

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