Monday, November 17, 2014

HW- Monday November 17- SEVENTH and EIGHTH Afternoon

Solve the following inequalities involving negative numbers. Remember the rule discussed in class.  Show your work, test your answers, and graph them on a number line.

1.) What is the difference between  
-3X  >  18       and 3X > 18  
Solve both and test your solutions.  Graph them on number lines. 

2.)  -6X  ≤  72            3.)   -10X  ≥  100             4.)  -3X  <  39

Solve the following and be careful with the signs.  Know when to flip the inequality and when to keep it the same.  Graph on a number line. 

5.)  6X + 10 <  58            6.)   -6X + 10 < 58           7.)  3X - 11 ≥ 10

8.)  -4X  -10 ≤   30        9.)  9X  -15 >  30     10.)  5X - 12  ≥  -32

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