Tuesday, January 27, 2015

HW- Tuesday January 27 - SEVENTH Grade

Create a stem-and-leaf plot, dot plot, and histogram for the following set of numbers.  Find the mean, median, mode, maximum, minimum, and range.  Refer to your notes for help.

Complete this on loose-leaf paper to turn in

# of games of your phone.

12    10     7     9      11    23    45     33     10   

5      11     10    22    11    5      21     18      8

Friday, January 16, 2015

HW- Friday January 16 - ALGEBRA

For this weekend complete the following on loose leaf paper. 

Read p. 319 - 321

Complete # 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 on p. 323-325


1.) Find the equation of the straight line that crosses  points (-3, -8)  and (4, -29).  Write the equation in slope-intercept form and standard form.

2)  Find the equation of the straight line that crosses  points (15, 10)  and (10, 25).  Write the equation in slope-intercept form and standard form.

HW- Friday January 16 - EIGHTH Afternoon

For homework complete the Vending Machine sheet.  We will go over it on Monday. Think about how a vending machine, its prices, and items, can represent a function.  What would be the input?  What would be the output?

HW- Friday January 16- SEVENTH GRADE

For homework, complete Parts 2 and 3 from your exam. 

**In part two there was a mistake for the morning group.  The quantity of hotdogs was 20 packs, NOT 30.  It was fixed for the afternoon group.  Come ready with any questions on Monday. Have a great weekend.

Monday, January 12, 2015

HW- Monday January 12 - 7th AFTERNOON

Complete the Ice Cream problem that was started in class.

HW- Monday January 12- 7th Morning

For homework, complete the Buses sheet that was passed out in class.

HW- Monday January 12- 8th Algebra

Complete the Chapter Test review sheet and study for your test tomorrow.  Do not worry about #7, come prepared with any questions you may have from this sheet.