Friday, January 31, 2014

Homework for Friday, January 31st

Check your CPS EMAIL and login.  You should have received an email from Ms. Polak.  Fill out that form on sunday and hit submit for extra credit in math!
Click here for the link
You have to log in with your CPS email to see it.

Scatter Plot 1:
Use the following data and plot it on a graph. Click on the images to enlarge

What is the relation, if any, between the amount of time spent playing games, and someone's GPA? Explain how you know this.

Scatter Plot2:
Use the following data and plot it on a graph. Click on the images to enlarge

What is the relation, if any, between the amount of time spent reading everyday and someone's birth month? Explain how you know this.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

No Homework Thursday

As a reminder, there is no Homework for today due to the math benchmark we took today.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Homework for Wednesday, January 29

Today's homework is to finish the Baseball/Home Run sheets from class today.  Remember to do the stem-and-leaf plots for all of the players.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Homework for Wednesday, January 22

Part 1:  Count how many movies and videogames you own.  We will use these numbers to make a new graph.

Here is the homework for today:

Use the following data.

24, 15, 7, 9, 30, 22, 9, 57, 7

Find the mean, median, mode.
Find the maximum value, minimum value, and range.

Create a line plot, stem-and-leaf plot, and Box-and-whisker plot.

For this data set, which is the best graphic to use? Explain why one is better than the others.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Homework for Tuesday, January 21, 2014

PART 1Create a line plot AND a stem-and-leaf plot for the following data.

6,  5,  2,  1,  6,  8,  7,  2,  8,  9,  13, 6, 8, 3, 9

Find the mean, median, mode, and range.

For this set of data, which graph is better to use?  Explain why.

Create a line plot AND a stem-and-leaf plot for the following data.

15,  24,  2,  18,  25,  18,  49,  12,  18,  29,  13, 36, 28, 33, 29

Find the mean, median, mode, and range.

For this set of data, which graph is better to use?  Explain why.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Homework for Friday January 17, 2014

Part 1: Reflection Prompt

Answer the following in two complete paragraphs.

How are the US customary system and metric systems related to ratios?  Explain why you think the majority of the world uses the metric system while English nations use the customary system. Which would you prefer and why? 

Part 2: Mean, Median, Mode

Find the mean, median, mode and range for each of the following data sets.

1. Andrew is on the basketball team and he recorded how many points he scored each game.  He scored  12, 4, 6, 4, 8, 10, 4, 2, 0, and 5 points.  

2.) Javier recorded how many hours he was watching tv in two weeks.  He watched  3, 1, 5, 9, 9, 5, and 2 hours for the first week.  The second week he watched  3, 1, 5, 9, 10, 4, and 3 hours of tv.  Which hours represented the weekends and how do you know?

3.)  Alex asked his friends to tell him how many videogames they owned.  His friends owned  12,  15,  10,  3,  8,  17,  24,   41,  32,  10,  21, and 32 videogames.  Find the mean, median, mode, and range for the games they owned.


Create a line plot for each time Stewie says a variation of the word "mom."  Your line plot should be set up like this. Place an "X" for each time Stewie says a word. Find the mode.

Your  line plot should look like this:

   X              X 
Lois            Mom           Mommy          Mama           Ma

here is the link:
(Stewie mom mum mommy)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

No Homework Thursday, January 16

No homework today due to our preassessment.  Tomorrow we will begin our unit on statistics and averages. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Homework for Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Unit Quiz tomorrow!  The quiz will cover our unit on ratios, percents, and conversions.  You will be allowed to use your notes for it.

Answer the following to help you prepare for it.

Convert the fractions to decimals and percents

Division      Fraction    Decimal     Percent
4 ÷ 5                4/5           0.8              80%
____                1/4            ____          ____                  
6 ÷ 8               _____        ____           ____ 
 ______          _____        ____          125%

4.)   20% of 30 =  ____  

5.)  75% of 80 =  ___
6.)  A t-shirt is priced at 25% OFF of the original price.  If it is normally $20, how much is the price with the discount?

7.)   Jorge bought a pizza at Domino's for $8.  The tax on the pizza was 8%.  How much was the pizza with tax?

8.)  Captain America and Thor are having a contest to save citizens.  For every 8 people Captain America saves, Thor saves 6.  If Thor saved 72 people, how many did Captain America save?

9.) Jose was feeling sick so he took some medicine in the morning.  His medicine pill was 350mg.  How many grams of medicine did he have? (convert)

10.)  Kimberly bought 150 inches of fabric to make scarves.  She wants to make scarves that are 1 yard long.  How many scarves can she make?

Monday, January 13, 2014

Homework for Monday, January 13th

Complete the following problems using the step-ladder method or the Ratio method.  You may use a calculator for help with the numbers.

Remember:  1 cup = 8 fl oz;  1 pint = 2 cups; 1 quart = 4 cups;  1 gallon = 16 cups

1.)  3 gal = ___ oz.        2.)  5 quarts =   ___ oz.

3.)  3 pints =  __ oz.      4.)  8 quarts =  ___ oz.

5.) 60 oz. =   ___ cups    6.)  35oz.  =   __ cups

7.)  75 oz. =   ___ quarts  8.)  100 oz. =  ___ gal.

9.)   Samantha is making punch for her party.  She made 200 ounces of punch and has 35 cups.  Does she have enough cups for all of the punch?  How many more cups would she have to buy if she did not have enough?

Friday, January 10, 2014

Homework for Friday, January 10

Complete the following conversions using the METRIC system prefixes.  Use the chart from your notes for help.

Remember:  King Henry Doesn't Mind drinking chocolate milk
(Kilo, Hecto, Deka,  METER    deci, centi, milli)

1.)  4g= ___ mg                  2.)  3.5g =  ____  mg

3.)  3.7 km =  _____m        4.)  3.5 km = _____cm

5.)  81kg =  ___ Hg            6.)  300cm =  ____ km

7.) 23 DL=   ___dL            8.) 0.125 cg =  ___mg

9.)  7.54 km =  ___mm   10.)  25g =  ___ Hg

Convert the following customary units of length. You may use a calculator to help solve.

1.)  72 in.  = ___ yd                 2.)  4.5 miles =  ____  ft

3.)  8.6 ft =  _____ in.             4.)  300 in = _____ft

5.)  10 yd =  ___ in.                 6.)  3.9 miles =  ____ in.

7.)   96 in. =   ___yd                8.) 1,000,000 in. =  ___miles

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Homework for Thursday, January 9

Convert the following units.  You may use a calculator for these conversions but show the steps you took. 

1.) 6 yd  =  __ ft.             2.)  54 in. =  __ ft.

3.)  5.5 yd =   ___ in.     4.)  11 ft. =  __ yd

5.)  5 ft =  __ yd             6.)  3 miles =  ____ ft.

7.)  1 mile = ____ in.     8.)  100 feet = ___ mi.

9.)  2.5 miles =  ___ ft  10.)  50 in.  =  ___ yd

1 foot =  12 inches;   1 yard = 3 feet; 1 mile = 5280 feet
1 inch = 1/12 ft;       1 foot = 1/3 yard;  1 foot = 1/5280 feet

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Homework for Wednesday, January 8

Use the grid paper from class today to graph the following information on temperatures.
Click on the image to make it bigger in a new screen.

You should have 4 lines on your graph.  One line for AVERAGE high temperatures, one line for AVERAGE low temperatures, one line for ACTUAL high temperatures, and one line for ACTUAL low temperatures.  We will discuss interpretations of our graphs tomorrow.

Your X-axis should be the dates and the Y-axis should be the temperatures.  Remember that we went as low as -15 degrees and as high as 51 degrees.

If you need grid paper, you may click on the image below to make it bigger.