Friday, February 28, 2014

Homework for Thursday February 27

Today's homework was passed out in class. Below are copies in case you did not receive them. We will go over them tomorrow to make it more understandable, so be ready to share your strategies. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Homework for Tuesday, February 25

For today's homework answer the following two problems on loose leaf paper to turn in.

Daniel and Gabriel were debating over a math problem.

20% off of $95

Daniel said his answer was $76, but Gabriel said it was $75.  Which student is correct?  Explain, in words, how Daniel and Gabriel found their answers.

Eight times 2 divided by one half

Daniel said his answer was 8.  Gabriel said his answer was 32.  Which student is correct? Explain, in words, how Daniel and Gabriel found their answers.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Homework for Monday, February 24

Here is your homework for today.

Andres and Eric are having an argument. They had the following problem.

25÷5 + 8*3

Andres says the correct answer is 39 and Eric says the correct answer is 29.  Which student is correct?  Explain, in words,  how each student found their answer.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Homework for Thursday February 20

Today's homework was passed out in class. Below are copies in case you lose them. Try your best, because we will go over them tomorrow. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Homework for Wednesday, February 19

Complete the following problems on loose-leaf paper to turn in tomorrow.  We will continue with Inequalities during tomorrow's lesson.

Simplify the following expressions

1.)  4 + a + a + a + 6 + b + c + c
2.)  5+ 2(b+4)
3.)  6(3+m) + 12m
4.) 3 + 3(a + 2) + 10
5.) 10a + 3(a + b) + 4b

Graph the following inequalities on a number line.

6.)  X >  10

7.)  B < 2

8.)  5 < S

9.)  11 > T

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Homework for Tuesday February 18

Today's homework was passed out in class today. 

Here are the sheets in case you lose them. Try your best, they are tough, but we will go over these tomorrow. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Homework for Friday, February 14th

Happy Valentine's Day!  Here is my gift for you.

Create word problems for the following expressions.You may use the back of the Task sheet from class to complete this.

Ex:  8*J
Jacob buys t-shirts that cost $8 each.  How much does he pay for all of his t-shirts?

1.)  B +  9     2.)  21 - F

3.)  M - 15      4.)  5 * C

5.)  100/ L      6.)  8*H +  4.

Karina is at the Blackhawks game with her family.  They send her to get food and snacks for everyone.  Hot dogs cost $4, Sodas are $3, and chips are $2.  Write an equation to find the Cost (C) of how much Karina will need to buy hot dogs (H), Sodas (S) and Chips (C).

Below is the sheet I passed out today.  If you lose it, make sure you answer the questions.  #3 is optional.  YOU MUST have it completed for Monday!  It counts as a reflection grade.  

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Homework for Tuesday, February 11

No school tomorrow, so here is your homework that is due by Thursday.  We will review these on Thursday.  Show your work, do not just write the answers only.

Solve the following expressions.

1.)  34 + P  = 55         2.)  C  +  24 = 39

3.)  90 +  X =  112      4.)  M  +  18 = 45

5.)  C  -  18  =  44       6.)  R  -  32 =  14

7.)  N  -   64  =  32      8.)**   30 - D =  24

Create a word problem for the following expressions.

9.)  G  +  31  =  44
10.) M -  21 =  14

11.)  35 - B = 18

Monday, February 10, 2014

Homework for Monday, February 10

For today's homework, you received a copy of the following page.  Answer the questions on the sheet OR loose-leaf paper if you lost it.  Remember you can click on the picture to enlarge it. The other side of the page will be used tomorrow, so you do not have to complete it for homework. 

For #2, it means you have to create your own math problem and expression like the example from #1.  It must have an exponent, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Ex:  35 ÷ 7 + 5 * 3 - 4 + 2^3.

Remember that ^  means it is an exponent, or raised to a  power.

Remember to use Order of Operations to solve your examples. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Homework for Friday, February 7

Here is the homework for this weekend. *You may answer on LOOSE LEAF paper.* Read them carefully.  Think about averages (Means, medians, modes, etc.)  to help you answer. Click on the images to enlarge.

For D, remember, the HIGHER the number, the FURTHER away you are from the hole.  A lower score is better. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

No Homework for Thursday February 6

No homework for tonight!  We will be having a review game tomorrow to prepare for our exam Monday.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Homework for Wednesday, February 5

For today's homework you will reflect on today's project.  Answer these questions on loose leaf paper to turn in.

1.)  How did working in groups help make the project better?

2.)  What were some of the changes you noticed between the classes?  What were some of the similarities?

3.) Did the mean, medians, and mode stay pretty consistent or change? What do you think caused this?

4.) What were some strategies that you used to help make this easier?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Homework for Tuesday, February 4

For today's homework you will need your M&Ms data table from today.  Answer the following questions.

1.)  Find the mean for each color M&M, (red, yellow, green, blue, orange, and brown)

2.) Which color was the most common?  How did this compare with your prediction? Why do you think this happened?

3.) Which color was the LEAST common?  How did this compare with your prediction? Why do you think this happened?

4.) Make a dot/line plot for 2 of the colors.  Find the median.

5.) If you bought a BIG bag of M&Ms with about 250 pieces.  How many of each color do you think there will be?  Explain.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Homework for Monday, February 3

Complete Part C for homework on a separate sheet of paper.  Answer in complete sentences. Click on the image to make it larger.